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Pepperdine | School of Public Policy
Panel at the Cross Sector Leadership Conference

Pepperdine Cross Sector Leadership Advisory and Fellows

Administration and Advisory Council

  • Pete Peterson, Dean, Pepperdine School of Public Policy, Director

  • Neil Britto, Co-Founder, The Intersector Project; Adjunct Professor, New York University

  • Jarrett Barrios, CEO, American Red Cross - Los Angeles Region
  • Dr. Ebetuel (Beto) Pallares
  • Robert Goodwin, President and Co-Founder, OceanCycle, Inc.
  • Jamie Gardner, President, JH Gardner
  • Michelle S. Ng, Corporate Responsibility Leader, Financial Services, Ernst & Young LLP
  • Matt Thomas
  • Kate Anderson, Director, Center for Strategic Partnerships in LA County


An intensive, year-long engagement that brings senior leaders together to "move the needle" on major challenges.

The Pepperdine Cross Sector Leadership Fellows program grows the skillset of your top talent and positions your organization as a thought leader with a 21st century approach to collaboration.

This year-long, multi-city experience brings together a curated cohort of 24 senior executives from business, non-profits, government, philanthropy, and academia for experiences that will forever alter their problem-solving mindset.

Fellows come to the program with a real world or real business project they are currently facing. They then work with world-class Pepperdine Cross Sector Leadership Fellows instructors—and with each other—to apply a cross-sector leadership methodology that yields breakthrough results.

Fellows participate in three-day experiences held in Los Angeles/Malibu, CA; Washington, DC; and New York City. In these distinctive settings they are trained on a cross sector leadership curriculum complemented by onsite engagements with inspirational leaders from diverse organizations. Past participants have benefited from access to senior level leaders at the White House, Tesla, BlackRock, McKinsey & Co, Google, DC Central Kitchen, the City of Oakland, the United Way, New York University, the Case Foundation, and many others.

The Fellows program's intensive approach, which includes time for real relationship-building across multi-day sessions, has been lauded by its alumni for the intimate and meaningful connections it fosters. Fellows stay in touch before, during, and after the experience through our online leadership education platform, LEADEROSITY, and keep collaborating long after the program ends.

The Pepperdine Cross Sector Leadership Fellows program is for organizations that want to enhance their internal capacity for problem solving; to bring a fresh perspective to their leadership approach; and to build a network that transcends traditional boundaries.

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