BytePitch - Software Labs

FullStack Software Engineer


Happy teams build the most incredible products. We aim to change how the world looks at the Software Engineering industry by empowering one another to take on the most complex challenges to accomplish the most outstanding solutions. It is what we do here at BytePitch; through Supported Autonomy and Transparency, we make an environment where people feel driven to create, explore, and control their work on solutions that truly make a difference for us all. If you are looking to grow professionally and personally while contributing to building a better future through software engineering, then BytePitch is the place for you!

Our projects/products are based in the UK, USA, Germany, Canada, and the Netherlands, focusing on FinTech, BigData, and Blockchain solutions. Tech-wise, we are neither square nor round, so we have vast experience with several tech stacks. We might be tech experts, but we're people first and foremost, bringing this human approach to our work; we all contribute to defining a path by sharing achievements and mistakes and caring for one another in a diverse flat hierarchy Tribe.


As a Full-Stack Engineers you'll work on both the frontend and backend of our software applications. You'll be responsible for designing, developing, and maintaining end-to-end solutions that deliver exceptional user experiences as well as create and handle asynchronous and event-driven workflows in an Agile environment.



  • Design, develop, test, and maintain our software applications' frontend and backend components
  • Collaborate with designers to create visually appealing, responsive user interfaces that enhance user satisfaction
  • Build robust backend systems, including APIs and databases, to support frontend functionality
  • Optimize code, assets, and databases for speed and performance, ensuring a seamless user experience
  • Ensure that web applications work consistently across various browsers and platforms
  • Develop mobile-friendly and responsive designs that adapt to different screen sizes and devices
  • Implement best UI/UX design practices to enhance usability and overall user experience
  • Develop interactive features and components using JavaScript frameworks (e.g., React, Angular, Vue.js) and backend technologies
  • Write and maintain unit tests, conduct thorough testing, and troubleshoot issues on both the frontend and backend
  • Work closely with other engineers, designers, and other team members to deliver integrated and seamless solutions
  • Create clear and concise technical documentation for front- and backend code and development processes
  • Stay up-to-date with the latest development trends, technologies, and industry best practices

Required skills:

  • Proven experience in fullstack software development, with a strong portfolio showcasing projects you have worked on
  • Proficiency in frontend technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) and modern frontend frameworks (e.g., React, Angular, Vue.js)
  • Strong understanding of backend technologies and programming languages (e.g., Python, Java, Node.js, Ruby)
  • Experience with version control systems (e.g., Git) and code collaboration tools
  • Attention to detail and a passion for creating visually appealing and user-friendly interfaces
  • Effective communication and collaboration skills to work within cross-functional teams
  • Adaptability to evolving technologies and project requirements


  • Hybrid working model*;
  • Flexible working hours**;
  • Cozy at-home vibe for those wishing to work from the office;
  • Competitive salary and benefits (e.g., Health Insurance and Meal Allowance***);
  • As free as possible, Bureaucracy-Free Workplace;
  • Two types of contracts are available: Work Contract & Service Agreement;
  • Support in case you need a visa/relocation;
  • Mental well-being and work-life balance taken seriously;
  • Budget or reimbursement for external training and attending conferences;
  • Potential traveling (0%-10% of the time, varies according to project/client)
  • We offer the option to work 100% remotely, to work from the office for those living around the Porto Metropolitan area, or a mixture of the two!
  • Granted, no prior engagements or meet-ups with your team or client(s)
  • Will depend on the type of Contract and location of employment
  • Nível de experiência

  • Tipo de emprego

    Tempo integral
  • Função

  • Setores

    Educação infantil, ensino fundamental e ensino médio e Atividades de organizações sem fins lucrativos

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