About CCTS

Connecting the Community of Tufts Scholars (CCTS) is a new cluster hiring program designed to attract and support faculty whose work centers on race, equity, and disadvantaged communities in the U.S. and around the world.

  • Tufts will hire three clusters of five faculty over the next 3-5 years, adding a total of fifteen new faculty to join our strong interdisciplinary research community.  The Office of the Provost will be jointly funding these positions with participating schools 
  • Faculty clusters receive mentoring and professional development to foster community and provide opportunities to use their research, scholarship, and teaching to shape important dialogues
  • The first CCTS cluster is focused on climate, with recruitment underway.
  • Cluster 2 theme proposals are open until January 18, 2024. 
  • Following submissions, faculty are welcome to participate in virtual Cluster Theme Workshops on January 25 and January 29. Facilitated by the CCTS team, the workshops will gather additional input on the proposed themes. 

Cluster 1: Climate

Field at the Friedman School's New Entry Farm

08/25/2019 - Beverly, Mass. - Greenhouses at the New Entry Farm on August 25, 2019. (Alonso Nichols/Tufts University)

Bringing together Tufts' unique strengths in engineering, humanities, nutrition, and policy to address equity and racial justice through the lens of Climate.

School of Arts & Sciences: Assistant Professor in Environmental History of Antiquity and Professor of Practice of Creative Non-Fiction and Journalism

Fletcher School: Assistant Professor in Climate Policy

Friedman School of Nutrition Science & Policy:
Faculty Positions in Climate Resilience, Agriculture and Equity

School of Engineering: Assistant/Associate Professor of Life Cycle Assessment for Sustainable Materials and Sustainable Infrastructure Systems

Cluster 2: Help Us Choose the Second Cluster Theme

Cluster 2 Timeline

January 18: Last day to submit Cluster 2 Theme proposals

January 25 & 29: Virtual info session/workshops

February 12: Cluster 2 Theme announcement

February 12-March 4: Cluster 2 Cohort Proposal Workshops

March 12: Cluster 2 Proposals are due

March 27- April 1: Feedback Loop

April 9: Resubmission

April 16: Recommendations to the Provost

April 29: Cluster 2 Cohort Announcement

Program goals

Increase: Increase number and impact of faculty whose work across the University whose work centers race, equity, and disadvantaged communities in the U.S. and globally.

Nurture: Nurture the conditions for our faculty to address difficult contemporary problems as they arise around the intersection of race, racism, racial equity, and justice.

Build: Build a critical mass of interdisciplinary faculty whose work centers race, racism, racial equity and justice.

Encourage & Foster: Encourage and foster cooperation among an already strong faculty and staff research body.

Create: Create innovative educational and research opportunities for our students and trainees.

Target: Target broader arrays of research funding streams as well as other forms of recognition and support. 

Expand: Expand our racial equity efforts beyond Tufts.

Connect with Us

Executive Leadership Team

CCTS Core Team

  • Chris Swan, Special Advisor to the Vice Provost for Institutional Inclusive Excellence, Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering
  • Augusta Rohrbach, Associate Provost for Faculty Initiatives
  • Ryan Rideau, Assistant Provost for Faculty Development