What is Jetpack Security, and How Do I Activate It in Pressable?

Last modified: May 9, 2017

Jetpack Security ($239/year value) is included with all Pressable plans, free of charge!

What is Jetpack Security?

Jetpack Security has a lot of really neat features, including Malware Scanning, Site Activity Log, Downtime Monitoring and much more!

One of the main benefits of using Jetpack Security on your site is its Malware Scanning abilities. Jetpack can continually scan your site for issues, and then provide a report if it finds anything out of place. Jetpack can even auto-fix some of the issues for you, or outline exactly what needs to be done to resolve the issue. Think of Jetpack Security like having your own personal security guard, constantly scanning your site for issues and reporting its findings!

Jetpack Security also includes Jetpack Backup (10GB of space), which allows you to restore your website with one click. Once Jetpack Security is activated, it takes a real-time backup of your website. So, if something happens to your site that you aren’t happy with, you can always restore it to a previous point in time. Keep in mind that Pressable also takes backups of your site, so the Jetpack Backup can be considered more like a redundancy.

Steps to activating Jetpack Security at Pressable

Did you migrate your site to Pressable? Follow the steps in our Jetpack License guide before continuing with this process.

IMPORTANT: Please note that if you are asked to choose a Jetpack pricing plan at any point, scroll to the bottom of the page and choose “Start with Free”, then contact our Support Team and we will finalize the Jetpack Security connection for you.

Step One: Set the Jetpack License

If this is the first time connecting Jetpack to your site and there isn’t already a Jetpack license, please set the Jetpack Security license in the site’s database. Please also make sure Jetpack is activated on the site before setting the license.

Step Two: Login to a WordPress.com Account

Before connecting Jetpack on your site, please make sure you are logged into the WordPress.com account that you want the site associated with. You can do that by going here: https://wordpress.com/me

If you don’t yet have a WordPress.com account, you can sign up for a free one here: https://wordpress.com/start/account

Please Note: A WordPress.com account is different from the WP Admin account of your site (WordPress.org). More information about the differences here.

Step Three: Login to your site’s WordPress Dashboard

If you are the first user to connect the site to Jetpack, make sure you login to the WP Admin using an account that has Administrator capabilities.

Once logged in to your WP Admin, you should see the following prompt from Jetpack on your Dashboard:

Click Finish setting up Jetpack to go through the connection process.

If you do not see the prompt, check to make sure that the Jetpack plugin is activated on the site.

You can also navigate to the Jetpack option in the sidebar main menu to find a similar screen:

Click the Set up Jetpack button from this location to get started.

If using Jetpack Protect

If you are only using the Jetpack Protect plugin without the Jetpack plugin, navigate to Jetpack -> My Jetpack in the WP Admin main menu and click the Connect your site to fix this button:

Step Four: Connection & Approval

If you are already logged into your WordPress.com account, click the Approve button to authorize the connection:

Approve Jetpack connection option

If you are not already logged into WordPress.com (you should already be logged in from Step Two), you will see a request to login. You can login to an existing WordPress.com account (choose the Already have an account? Sign in option) or create a new one:

Setting up Jetpack Security by logging in through the WordPress account

Important: Do not choose the Continue without user account option, as that will not allow for complete Jetpack setup. A WordPress.com account must be connected during this process.

The approval process should only take a few moments and you will then be redirected to the Jetpack Dashboard for your site.

After approval, you may be asked to Share credentials. Please see the Jetpack SSH/SFTP Credential Notices section below for instructions.

Step Five: Verify the connection

You can double-check the connection was made successfully by clicking on the My Plan tab at the top of the page – it should show Jetpack Security:

The direct URL for the My Plan tab is: https://YOUR-DOMAIN.com/wp-admin/admin.php?page=jetpack#/my-plan

If you have completed the connection steps but your plan is only showing “Free”, set the Jetpack Security license in the site’s database and then wait a few seconds and refresh the page. If that still doesn’t work, contact our support team and we will help get the Jetpack Security license correctly associated with the site.

If you have any problems with Jetpack features, please reach out to Jetpack support.

Jetpack SSH/SFTP Credential Notices

During the connection process, Jetpack may ask for SSH/SFTP credentials. You can choose the Share credentials option:

Jetpack share credentials option

If Jetpack is connected and has an active plan, these credentials will be provisioned automatically. This usually occurs within 24 hours of activating a site’s Jetpack plan via the first backup and scan Jetpack performs. Once credentials are provisioned, notices to configure the credentials will be dismissed.

You may expedite this process by manually initiating a Jetpack scan. This will start a backup which will automatically provision the credentials. This can be done by visiting https://wordpress.com/scan/DOMAIN or https://cloud.jetpack.com/scan/DOMAIN and starting a new scan there (replace DOMAIN with your site’s URL – Example: sitename.com).

Asked To Pay?

If you are asked to choose a Jetpack pricing plan at any point, set the Jetpack Security license in the site’s database and then wait a few seconds and refresh the page.

If that doesn’t work, scroll to the bottom of the page and choose Start with Free, then contact our support team and we will help get the Jetpack Security license correctly associated with the site.

Upgrade to Jetpack Complete

You now can upgrade your Jetpack plan to a Jetpack Complete license from within the Pressable dashboard. This option can be found on the Site’s Settings page, within the Advanced tab, under the Jetpack Settings section.

The cost for the Jetpack Complete license is currently $20 per month. Please note that a license is attached to a site and if you’d like to upgrade multiple sites to the Complete plan, licenses will need to be purchased for each site.

You can cancel this upgrade anytime through the Pressable Control Panel in the same section by clicking the Downgrade from Jetpack Complete button.

You will see a pop-up to confirm that you’d like to downgrade the Jetpack plan. Please click Downgrade to confirm.

At this time the Jetpack Complete license will be revoked and the site will now be issued a new standard license based on your Pressable plan.

NOTE: When a Jetpack plan/license is upgraded or downgraded, please make sure to verify the change via the WP Admin Dashboard. It may sometimes be required for you to reconnect to Jetpack to ensure everything is running smoothly.

Jetpack Security Daily to Jetpack Security

In January of 2024, Pressable switched from issuing Jetpack Security Daily licenses (retired by Jetpack) to issuing Jetpack Security licenses for all new sites.

The main differences between the two are:

  • Jetpack Security offers real-time malware scanning whereas Jetpack Security Daily only offered daily scanning (once every 24 hours).
  • Jetpack Security offers real-time site backups whereas Jetpack Security Daily only offered daily site backups (once every 24 hours).
  • Jetpack Security backups are capped at 10GB (can purchase additional storage space as an upgrade) whereas Jetpack Security Daily offered unlimited backup storage space (please note that Pressable already offers full site backups).

Pressable decided to switch from Jetpack Security Daily licenses to Jetpack Security Licenses for two main reasons:

  1. Jetpack Security offers real-time site scanning and backups, a massive upgrade over once-daily scanning and backups.
  2. Jetpack retired the Jetpack Security Daily plan, so we’ve made the plan switch to align with their current offerings.

If you have any questions, please contact our support team.