Run Bulk Operations on your Pressable Sites

Last modified: February 20, 2024

This feature will help you run bulk operations on your Pressable sites quickly from within the Dashboard.

Current Bulk Operations available include:

  • Update PHP Version
  • Update WordPress Version (when available)
  • Custom Bash Command

Accessing Bulk Operations

Under the Dashboard navigate to the Tools section:

The Bulk Operations functionality can be found under the "Tools" section of te

Please Note: The Tools section will only be available if your user account has at least one site for which bulk operations can be created. You will either have to be the owner of site(s) or a collaborator with the “Execute Bulk Operations” permission on the site(s).

Once you click on the Tools menu, you will see the following:

Bulk Operations landing page in the Dashboard

Creating Bulk Operations

To create a new Bulk Operation, you will need to follow the creation wizard which consists of three steps:

Step 1 – Name the operation

Defining a name for the operation – you can give any name of your choice for this. It will be useful to identify and find the operation in the Bulk Operation History section (detailed below).

Create new bulk operation step one: name the operation

Step 2: Select operation type

We currently offer 3 types:

  • Update PHP version
  • Update WordPress version
  • Custom Bash Command
Create new bulk operation step two: select operation type

Step 3 – Choose multiple sites

The third and final step is to select the sites where the operation should be run. You will see every site on your account if you are the owner and also sites where you are a Collaborator and have the “Execute Bulk Operations” permission.

You can select the sites where you wish to run the operation. You can also quickly toggle the option to run on all existing sites if that is the intent:

Create new bulk operation step three: choose multiple sites

Once done, you can click on the Run Operation button. Please note that the operation will be created and run immediately.

Bulk Operations History

When at least one Bulk Operation is created, The Bulk Operation History section is shown. Here, you can see currently running and also previously executed operations:

screenshot showing where to update sites in bulk in the mypressable dashboard

History can be filtered by Bulk Operation Name/Type, or by Site Name (results will include any Bulk Operations action that included the particular site):

screenshot showing bulk update history in the mypressable dashboard

Each item in the Bulk Operations History search result contains the following data:

  • Bulk Operation name
  • Status (of the operation):
    • Pending – the operation is created but it’s not being executed yet
    • Running – the operation is actively running
    • Complete – the operation on each site has finished running
  • Date it was created on
  • The email of the person who created it
  • Command type:
    • Update PHP version
    • Update WordPress version
    • Bash Command
  • Command – Here you will see the actual command that was run or the version of PHP or WordPress that was selected
  • Operation Progress – this represents the operation being run on specific sites. Sites where this operation is run and their current status can be seen when you click the Operation Progress button. This can have 3 statuses:
    • Pending – the operation has not yet started
    • Complete – the operation has finished successfully
    • Expired – the operation could not get completed within an 8-hour window.

Important Note: We do not track errors for this feature, especially due to the complex nature of the bash commands that can be run. We advise caution and recommend testing the command on a single site to ensure that the bulk operation is successful.

After the Bash Command operation is run, you can view the response from each site by exporting a Response CSV. Under the Bulk Operation History section, every Bulk Operation of type Bash Command will have a button available that says Export responses CSV.

Bash Commands Export Responses CSV

Clicking that button will send you an email with the report of the responses.

Bash Commands CSV Repot Email

The CSV will have the following 8 columns –

  • site_id
  • site_name
  • site_custom_name
  • pressable_site_url
  • site_url
  • operation_status
  • operation_command (the actual command that was executed)
  • operation_response (the response we got from the site when executing the command)

The following image shows an example of the CSV file –

Bash Commands CSV File

Note: When a Collaborator sees the Operation Progress section, they will be able to see only the Sites where they have the “Execute Bulk Operations” Collaborator permission. By default, this is disabled for all existing Collaborators.

Bulk Operations API

Bash commands can be run via the API directly: