How to Get Support from the Pressable Support Team

Last modified: September 30, 2013

Submit a Ticket or Start a Chat

The Pressable Customer Success team provides support over live chat and email through Intercom. You may reach out by logging into your Dashboard.

Once logged in click on the the icon seen in the bottom right:

You will first want to click on the button to Send us a message:

How to start a support chat with Pressable Support.

You will be prompted at that point to select one of the following options:

Pressable support options: chat with technical support, chat with sales or billing, or submit a ticket.

Once you make your selection you will be prompted to enter your domain name and a brief description of your issue. The more information you can provide us, the faster we will be able to resolve your issue or question.

If you begin a chat but need to leave, no problem! Our support team will follow up with you via email.


You can email the Customer Success team directly at or the Sales team at

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