Denisse Rodríguez Colón

Puerto Rico Información de contacto
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Dynamic business professional with 11+ years of progressive experience in…

Experiencia y educación

  • Puerto Rico Science, Technology & Research Trust

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Experiencia de voluntariado

  • Gráfico HackPR

    Judge and Sponsor


    - actualidad 8 años 4 meses

    Ciencia y tecnología

    Judge at HackTurabo's first hackathon. Gave scholarships for a coding course to two winners.

  • Gráfico BAIS Puerto Rico

    Board Director & Co-founder

    BAIS Puerto Rico

    BAIS Puerto Rico is the first nonprofit organization in Puerto Rico committed to facilitate the social integration of international and U.S. students in Puerto Rico to our local culture and society. Our ultimate goal is for these students to have an unforgettable experience in Puerto Rico which in turn results in a strengthening of our Visitor Economy. Learn about us at

  • Gráfico


    - actualidad 10 años

    Potenciamiento económico

    Responsible for rolling out Kiva in Puerto Rico, a new geography for Kiva Zip. In charge of increasing borrower and lender base, community outreach and fundraising efforts.Kiva Zip is now available to our entrepreneurs in Puerto Rico. Check out our fundraising borrowers here:

  • Godmother

    Hogar de Niñas de Cupey

    - 2 años 6 meses



  • Kiva Zip Puerto Rico: A Punto de Comenzar

    Foundation for Puerto Rico Blog

  • Mis 48 horas en Detroit...y lo que significa para Puerto Rico

    El Nuevo Día

    A brief column, written in Spanish, highlighting actionable initiatives I learned about during my trip to Detroit in June 2014, as part of an event of the Global Shapers Community. Find the English version here:

    "Many have read the constant comparisons between Detroit and Puerto Rico: the fiscal crisis, credit downgrades and bankruptcy. However, very little has been written about the revitalization efforts in this North American city and how we…

    A brief column, written in Spanish, highlighting actionable initiatives I learned about during my trip to Detroit in June 2014, as part of an event of the Global Shapers Community. Find the English version here:

    "Many have read the constant comparisons between Detroit and Puerto Rico: the fiscal crisis, credit downgrades and bankruptcy. However, very little has been written about the revitalization efforts in this North American city and how we can develop similar efforts in Puerto Rico."

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  • No más techo de cristal (No more glass ceiling)

    El Nuevo Día

    A brief column in the business section of El Nuevo Día about the importance of closing the gender gap and breaking the glass ceiling. A reflection triggered by the celebration of the International Women's Day and Month in March.

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  • BAIS Puerto Rico

    BAIS Puerto Rico is the first nonprofit organization committed to facilitate the social integration of international and U.S. students in Puerto Rico to our local culture and society. Our ultimate goal is for these students to have an unforgettable experience in Puerto Rico which in turn results in a strengthening of our Visitor Economy. Learn about us at

    BAIS es la primera organización no gubernamental (ONG) que tiene como objetivo la integración social de…

    BAIS Puerto Rico is the first nonprofit organization committed to facilitate the social integration of international and U.S. students in Puerto Rico to our local culture and society. Our ultimate goal is for these students to have an unforgettable experience in Puerto Rico which in turn results in a strengthening of our Visitor Economy. Learn about us at

    BAIS es la primera organización no gubernamental (ONG) que tiene como objetivo la integración social de jóvenes extranjeros y de EEUU en Puerto Rico, mediante la elaboración de actividades semanales, logrando ampliar la visión del país y su cultura, haciendo que la estadía sea más fácil y enriquecedora.

    Nuestro objetivo es ofrecer a los estudiantes de intercambio la oportunidad de conocerse y conocer el país de manera distinta. Hacerles sentir apoyados durante su estadía a través de un asesoramiento que les permita abrirse a una nueva cultura.
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  • Kiva Zip Puerto Rico

    Foundation for Puerto Rico has partnered with Kiva Zip to develop Kiva Zip Puerto Rico, a crowdlending platform that facilitates 0% interest loans to entrepreneurs and small business owners who wouldn't usually qualify for a loan.

    We are looking for trustees, organizations that support small business owners and entrepreneurs in the process of developing their business. Trustees endorse eligible borrowers and support them throughout the life of the loan.

    We are also looking for…

    Foundation for Puerto Rico has partnered with Kiva Zip to develop Kiva Zip Puerto Rico, a crowdlending platform that facilitates 0% interest loans to entrepreneurs and small business owners who wouldn't usually qualify for a loan.

    We are looking for trustees, organizations that support small business owners and entrepreneurs in the process of developing their business. Trustees endorse eligible borrowers and support them throughout the life of the loan.

    We are also looking for corporate partners that can fund the training and onboarding of trustees and borrowers.

    Finally, we are looking for corporate partners that can create loan matching funds that match individual lenders' loans.

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  • Amplifiers for Youth

    The Global Shapers San Juan Hub partnered with the Instituto del Desarrollo de la Juventud (an institution that is part of the Boys & Girls Club of Puerto Rico) to develop a group of young professionals to become part of the governance structure of the Boys & Girls Clubs of Puerto Rico.

    Our objective is to amplify the issues of Puerto Rico's youth so that all the sectors of the island, especially government, make youth a top three priority for public policy and resource deployment…

    The Global Shapers San Juan Hub partnered with the Instituto del Desarrollo de la Juventud (an institution that is part of the Boys & Girls Club of Puerto Rico) to develop a group of young professionals to become part of the governance structure of the Boys & Girls Clubs of Puerto Rico.

    Our objective is to amplify the issues of Puerto Rico's youth so that all the sectors of the island, especially government, make youth a top three priority for public policy and resource deployment.

    We aim to facilitate a space and means by which young professionals can get involved now in issues of youth. Youth see us as their most approximate peers and we are in a unique position to support their development.

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  • Sponsors for Educational Opportunity Puerto Rico


    Foundation for Puerto Rico and Sponsors for Educational Opportunity (SEO) have partnered to develop a local chapter named SEO Puerto Rico. SEO PR is a non-profit organization that promotes professional development for young people through paid summer internships and top-notch training. SEO Puerto Rico is part of a greater effort of Foundation for Puerto Rico to mitigate the brain drain. Young professionals contribute with their skills and talent to the economic growth of Puerto Rico while…

    Foundation for Puerto Rico and Sponsors for Educational Opportunity (SEO) have partnered to develop a local chapter named SEO Puerto Rico. SEO PR is a non-profit organization that promotes professional development for young people through paid summer internships and top-notch training. SEO Puerto Rico is part of a greater effort of Foundation for Puerto Rico to mitigate the brain drain. Young professionals contribute with their skills and talent to the economic growth of Puerto Rico while strengthening their networks and maximizing their own college and professional success.

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  • Launchpad


    Launchpad is an initiative driven by the alliance between Global Shapers (non-profit that is associated with the World Economic Forum) & ALPFA (Association of Latino Professionals For America) that will serve as catalyst to build a new entrepreneurial mindset among Puerto Rico's students & young professionals.

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  • Design for Change (Diseñando el Cambio)


    How do we make innovation happen, change the status quo, create new and creative ideas and solutions and accelerate change - in businesses, with non-profits and for communities? Design Thinking is a methodology for solving complex problems by bringing together disciplined practices and tools with a creative mindset and agile approach. And it's application is becoming the new skill set needed in business, non-profit and public sector work. From reducing infant mortality in India, to improving…

    How do we make innovation happen, change the status quo, create new and creative ideas and solutions and accelerate change - in businesses, with non-profits and for communities? Design Thinking is a methodology for solving complex problems by bringing together disciplined practices and tools with a creative mindset and agile approach. And it's application is becoming the new skill set needed in business, non-profit and public sector work. From reducing infant mortality in India, to improving public services for the elderly in Denmark to creating better customer experiences in banking in Portland design thinking is improving the way we work, innovative and make change happen.

    In Design for Change, students will learn the new skills of a modern world. They will learn how to apply design thinking, creative problem solving and collaborative play dynamics to tackle complex problems. The course project challenges students to create teams, work with a non-profit in Santurce, go out and understand a problem that needs to be solved and use their creativity to create a real, impactful and sustainable solution in Santurce. Students will walk away with a new and practical ability to solve business, social, governmental and even personal challenges in a more dynamic way.

    A collaboration between ILEC at University of Sacred Heart, Seriously Creative, ArcoPublicidad and Foundation for Puerto Rico.

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Reconocimientos y premios

  • 2016 Aspen Ideas Festival Scholar

    Aspen Ideas Festival

    The 2016 Aspen Ideas Festival Scholars, a diverse group of action-oriented leaders from all over the United States and around the world, are selected for their work and accomplishments—and for their ability to transform ideas into action.

    I was nominated by Cenadores, an organization of Puerto Rican diaspora in Washington, DC that actively supports Puerto Rico.

  • Startup Award: Social Entrepreneur of the Year

    H3 Tech Conference

    The H3 Conference awarded me the Social Entrepreneur of the Year award in November 2015 for my work rolling out Kiva in Puerto Rico.

    Kiva is a crowdlending platform that aims to facilitate access to capital to business owners who can't access traditional loans, reduce the cost of capital by leveraging technology, and create local and global connections.

    Kiva was founded 10 years ago, expanded to 85 countries and I rolled it out in Puerto Rico, making it country number 86. So…

    The H3 Conference awarded me the Social Entrepreneur of the Year award in November 2015 for my work rolling out Kiva in Puerto Rico.

    Kiva is a crowdlending platform that aims to facilitate access to capital to business owners who can't access traditional loans, reduce the cost of capital by leveraging technology, and create local and global connections.

    Kiva was founded 10 years ago, expanded to 85 countries and I rolled it out in Puerto Rico, making it country number 86. So far, we've had 15 borrowers access 0% capital in Puerto Rico from lenders from all over the world.


  • Spanish

    Competencia bilingüe o nativa

  • English

    Competencia bilingüe o nativa

  • Italian

    Competencia básica limitada


  • Are We There Yet?


    - actualidad

    Nonprofit organization focused on increasing the representation of women in leadership positions and in becoming entrepreneurs.

  • Women Empowered

    Founding Member

    - actualidad

    Women Empowered is composed of exceptional women leaders from all walks of life that are committed to the advancement of women in leadership. The diversity in experience and age groups enhance the mentoring experience among the members. We learn from each other by presenting Pecha Kuchas about important topics that support our vision.

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