
2024 #Powerof11

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#PowerOf11 | South Bronx United's annual fundraising and awareness campaign
June 1 - 11, 2024

The #PowerOf11 is...
11 student-athletes working together on the soccer field supported by their coaches, mentors, and tutors.
11 stories highlighting our young people, programs, services, staff, and volunteers.
11 days to raise $250,000 to level the playing field.


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 Subscribe to the #PowerOf11 Podcast to hear more! 
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How can you be a part of the #PowerOf11?
1. Share the stories of our youth and their families. 

2. Contribute to South Bronx United youth and community programs.
 - Consider donating MONTHLY to become #PowerOf11 sustaining supporter!

3. Sign-up as a Team Captain and commit to asking at least 11 people to donate on your personal campaign page. 
Share your SBU story and start raising funds.

Sign up or email Katelan at katelan.newman@southbronxunited.org for more information. 
* Winning Team Captains must have at least 11 donors. Board of Directors not eligible.
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Teams and Walkers 

Select A Supporters Group:

Recent Donations

  • Paula Samper $100.00
  • Primary VC Employee Donation Matching $500.00
  • David Gugerty $20.00
  • Anonymous
  • Margaret Rogers $12.50
  • Brian Rowland $100.00
  • Kathie leslie $100.00
  • Anonymous $250.00
  • Kit Durant $20.00
  • Rebecca, Jake, Eli, and Sam $200.00
  • Anonymous $50.00
  • Rachel Fuchs $40.00
  • Anonymous $50.00
  • Keerthan Harish $50.00
  • Anonymous $100.00
  • Anonymous $70.00
  • nathan scherich $50.00
  • Simon Jaworski $100.00
  • Anonymous $50.00
  • Anonymous $1,102.50