For media

Media contact

Dominic Nutt, Head of Campaigns and Communications

Tel: +44 (0)20 4552 5199


Population Matters campaigns to achieve a sustainable human population, to protect the natural world and improve people’s lives. 

We promote positive, practical, ethical solutions – encouraging smaller families, inspiring people to reduce excessive consumption and helping us all to live within our planet’s natural limits. We believe everyone should have the freedom and ability to choose a smaller family and support human rights, women’s empowerment and global justice.

You can find recent Population Matters press releases below the information on our spokespeople. For media coverage featuring Population Matters, see here.

Note: we’re sorry but we do not pass on media requests to our patrons.

Selected press releases

Miley Cyrus wins World Population Day Award, 11 July 2024

10 Billion population will be a catastrophe for women, 11 July 2024

UN report warns the UK’s population is shrinking and ageing, 11 July 2024

Population boom drives drought crisis – Dried Up Futures, 17 June 2024

Statement on ONS Estimates of the UK Population mid-2022, 26 March 2024

Statement in response to Lancet global fertility study, 21 March 2024

Report: population “taboo” harming women and girls, 4 March 2024

Statement in Response to Record Low Fertility Rate, 23 February 2024

Statement on ONS UK national population projections, 30 January 2024

Statement on ONS estimates of the very old, 11 January 2024

New research reveals Brits suffering from ‘Phone-mo’ and feeling pressure to upgrade to latest smartphone, 23 November 2023

Population Matters Statement on ONS population estimates for England and Wales and long-term international migration statistics, 23 November 2023

“Prince William was right: population growth does threaten wildlife”, says charity, 4 October 2023

iPhone upgrades “environmental insanity”, says charity, 11 September 2023

Sir David Attenborough and Malala win World Population Day awards, 10 July 2023

Population Matters statement in advance of World Population Day 2023, 6 July 2023

Population Matters statement in response to UNFPA 2023 State of World Population report, 19 April 2023

An iPhone or a midwife’s salary: new report targets Apple, 29 March 2023

Evidence shows UN Water Conference must address human population, 21 March 2023

Population Matters statement on China’s population, 17 January 2023

Black Friday protest at London Apple Store, 25 November 2022

8 Billion Day 15 Nov 2022, 11 November 2022

Report: Explosive Population Growth to 8 Billion Sees 19 Billion Tonne CO2 Spike, 03 November 2022

New environment campaign targets the iCon: buying what we don’t need, 21 September 2022

Earth Overshoot Day: the population connection, 27 July 2022

Report: Elon Musk’s population claims “reckless and flawed”, 11 July 2022

Population Matters statement on UN World Population Projections 2022 11 July 2022

Population Matters statement on UK Census 2021 population estimates 28 June 2022

Disturbing rise in countries coercing women into having more children, report finds 30 November 2021

UK could cut CO2 emissions by 38 million tonnes if it followed Japan’s population trend 8 October 2021

World Population Day awards celebrate the good news! 10 July 2021

UK Parliament committee backs population action to protect biodiversity 30 June 2021

Statement on UK population estimates for mid-2020 25 June 2021

Falling UK birth rate: poll suggests environmental concerns a factor 24 June 2021

Judged, worried and divided by age and gender: new poll on attitudes to family size 14 May 2021

Statement on cuts in UK contribution to UNFPA 29 April 2021

Statement in response to The Economics of Biodiversity: the Dasgupta Review 2 February 2021

New study: Population growth cancelling progress on climate emissions 25 January 2021

Population Matters Statement on UK overseas aid cut 27 November 2020

Poll: two-thirds want same or greater priority on extinctions as climate change 28 September 2020

“Dereliction of duty” as WWF ignores population in Living Planet Report 10 September 2020

Population Matters statement on Lancet global population forecasts 14 July 2020

New report – hitting key UN targets ‘impossible’ because of global population growth 7 July 2020

Statement on ONS population estimates for the UK mid-2019 based  24 June 2020

International Day for Biodiversity: population action vital 21 May 2020

Jane Goodall, Chris Packham and giant baby call for smaller families to fight climate change 28 November 2019

Nairobi population summit: time to start talking abut population again 11 November 2019

Population Matters statement on World Scientists Warning of a climate emergency 6 November 2019

Population Matters statement on ONS population projections 2018-based 21 October 2019

Population Matters statement on State of Nature 2019 report, 4 October 2019

Population Matters statement on ONS Overview of UK Population; August 2019, 23 August 2019

Population  Matters statement on Prince Harry Vogue interview 31 July 2019

World Population Day 2019: no sustainable development without sustainable population 9 July 2019

Population Matters statement on ONS population estimates 26 June 2019

Conservation groups failing nature, says Population Matters 6 May 2019

Attenborough-backed charity says climate action must include population action 18 April 2019

Conference on population and biodiversity 21 March 2019

Landmark diet report: address population or starve 17 January 2019

Statement on ONS release on childbearing and family size 22 November 2018

Jonathon Porritt becomes new President of Population Matters 2 November 2018

Statement on ONS Overview of UK population 1 November 2018

IPPC 1.5 report: the hidden population warning 8 October 2018

IPCC 1.5  report: will it grasp the population nettle? 5 October 2018

Three-quarters want UK population strategy (poll), 10 July 2018

20,000 scientists ignored by policymakers – population groups call for action call 9 July 2018

Statement on subnational ONS projections and population by country of origin, 25 May 2018

“Vegan hippy chick in a race car” Leilani Munter becomes Population Matters patron, 16 May 2018

Population Matters launches crowdfunding initiative for grassroots empowerment projects, 31 April 2018

Population Matters statement on royal baby, 23 April 2018

Population Matters statement on limiting child tax credits 13 April 2018

Population ‘Factfulness’ – Population Matters responds to Hans Rosling’s Factfulness, 11 April 2018

Population Matters response to UK government’s A Green Future: Our 25 Year Plan to Improve the Environment, 19 January 2018

ONS UK population projections – a century of growth to come 26 October 2017

Traffic Congestion to Cost Nation Additional £9bn by 2030, 9 January 2017


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