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What government functions does the Idaho state constitution require?

The Idaho Republican Party has adopted a platform with the following clause: We believe the state legislature should appropriate funds only for purposes and to the extent required to meet government'...
Mark's user avatar
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Constitutionality of house of Congress passing separate bills and then combining them without vote on full bill

On April 20, 2024, the US House of Representatives passed a foreign aid package for Ukraine, Israel, Indo-Pacific, and miscellaneous other matters, which it plans to send to the Senate as one bill. ...
user102008's user avatar
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Would a viable third party candidate legally have a chance in the House of Representatives?

Suppose there was an American third party candidate, who won a quarter of the popular vote, and a single large state or a handful of smaller ones: specifically with enough electoral votes so that ...
Tom Au's user avatar
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What's the basis for Niger's military to claim that the 2012 accord with the US was 'in violation of the “constitutional and democratic rules”'?

News is that Niger's military government just denounced the 2012 accord with the US that was the basis of the latter's base and operations in Niger. “The government of Niger, taking into account the ...
got trolled too much this week's user avatar
7 votes
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How does Massachusetts ratify proposed amendments to the constitution of the United States?

I've been trying to see the exact mechanisms Massachusetts has used to ratify or attempt to ratify proposed amendments to the U.S. constitution. The closest info I have found to that end pertains ...
isakbob's user avatar
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Is it possible to limit future Supreme Court justices to judges seated on the federal appellate bench without a constitutional amendment?

Some judges worried that random appointments could result in lower-quality Supreme Court justices. “(J)ust because someone is on the Court of Appeals does NOT mean they are SCOTUS material,” argued ...
Sayaman's user avatar
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Is there another way to put an age limit to Congress members without making a constitutional amendment in the U.S.?

Forbes' political staffer Sara Dorn writes, "Instilling age- and term-limits is also a logistically complicated process that would likely require a constitutional amendment, which would need ...
Sayaman's user avatar
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If POTUS doesn't name a candidate to fill a SCOTUS vacancy, can the Senate fill the seat?

If the President doesn't name a candidate to fill a Supreme Court vacancy, can the Senate fill the seat, anyway? If Biden were to win re-election, the Republicans take the Senate, and a Supreme Court ...
T.A. Neal's user avatar
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Is the House of Representatives not allowed to initiate any bills dealing with foreign policy (outside of commerce and budget matters)?

It's been claimed in an unsourced answer here that It's an "H.R.". Meaning it's a "House Resolution". As such, the bill would not have any power in law. The domain of the foreign ...
got trolled too much this week's user avatar
5 votes
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What do people mean by saying that safe storage laws are unconstitutional?

Safe storage laws are laws that require guns to be stored in safes which cannot be opened immediately. They are there to supposedly reduce suicide and to reduce the chances of your own gun being used ...
FlatAssembler's user avatar
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States' check on federal government's power? [closed]

Where in the U.S. Constitution are states given the right to "check" a tyrannical federal government?
Geremia's user avatar
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Could the US become a multi-party democracy organically (without a change to the constitution)?

In many northern European countries (Germany, the Netherlands, Denmark) there is a large number of political parties and the government is always made up of a coalition of these because no single ...
Peter's user avatar
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Were only two hours allowed for general discussion in the Congress for the 22nd Amendment (two term restriction)?

I was trying to read the debates in the US about the term restriction for president and found that Congress had a "debate" on that on Feb. 6th, 1947. In the official records a remark by ...
discipulus's user avatar
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Are the strikes against Yemen ordered by President Biden unconstitutional?

The U.S. and British forces have launched a massive retaliatory strike against the Iranian-backed Houthis in Yemen (1/12/2024). The military response by the U.S. and U.K. comes after a series of drone ...
machine_1's user avatar
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What sources imply that the office of President was deliberately excluded from the 14th amendment?

The Fourteenth Amendment, as passed by Congress and ratified by the states says: No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any ...
Bobson's user avatar
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