About Us

About Us

Our Journey

Meet The Team


PLANED – Empowering Communities – Our Vision 2022-2025

Our Mission

PLANED delivers sustainable outcomes for communities by a collaborative, people-led approach

Our core values

We consistently look forward and outward in our engagement

We actively support shared purposes in empowering our communities

We work with and listen to partners with common purposes and aims

We identify innovative solutions that work across all sectors

We support all voices, languages and groupings to be heard

PLANED will deliver on its vision and mission by underpinning this with four clear area of focus to support our delivery & facilitation of independent community development across West Wales.

  • Foundation Economy Development
  • Community Well-Being & Resilience
  • Environmental, Natural & Cultural Community Assets
  • Green & Low Carbon Community Solutions

Passionate about supporting people; delivering ideas that change communities.

With a growing impact locally and regionally, our skilled team supports the continued resilience and regeneration of our communities.