Julia Burda

Poznań, Woj. Wielkopolskie, Polska Informacje kontaktowe
1 tys. obserwujących 500+ kontaktów

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  • Fundacja DKMS – grafika

    Koordynator dnia dawcy szpiku

    Fundacja DKMS


    Całkowita koordynacja akcji "Dzień dawcy szpiku", która odbyła się w dwóch dniach na Uniwersytecie Ekonomicznym w Poznaniu.

  • Cognitis – grafika

    Organizacja korepetycji w domu dziecka w Poznaniu


    2 lata

    Dobro dzieci

    Koordynacja wyjść wolontariuszy w celu udzielania korepetycji, do domów dziecka w Poznaniu oraz pomoc w nauce dzieciom.




    4 miesiące


  • How insurers can build better relationships with their customers


    Relations between insurance companies and their clients are very specific and contain only a few touchpoints. Each of these situations is influencing the final perception of the provider. Knowing how the customers perceive their insurer, what in their opinion the company does well and what should be improved is crucial to best adjust the offering.

    See publication
  • Rethinking Investments in Insurance Innovation


    The insurance industry has traditionally been slow to modernise but with the digital acceleration induced by the Covid-19 pandemic there is a strong necessity for insurers to embrace digital transformation.

    See publication
  • Insurance software: choosing wisely

    Fintech Futures

    Money is being wasted globally on IT solutions which are never actually used.
    According to The real cost of unused software report by software company 1E, based on research amongst 129 corporations from various industries, the installed-and-unused software accounts to 23% in EMEA region and 37% in North America. The finance sector, the report says, wastes approximately one out of three pieces of software installed.

    Compare this to Statista: in 2019, IT spending as share of company…

    Money is being wasted globally on IT solutions which are never actually used.
    According to The real cost of unused software report by software company 1E, based on research amongst 129 corporations from various industries, the installed-and-unused software accounts to 23% in EMEA region and 37% in North America. The finance sector, the report says, wastes approximately one out of three pieces of software installed.

    Compare this to Statista: in 2019, IT spending as share of company revenue was the third biggest in the finance sector companies, with 10% of their revenue being invested in IT.

    In finance, insurance included, the investments are typically large, impact many clients, and have very complex regulatory requirements. Thorough planning for such projects is highly important.

    Additionally, the finance sector never sleeps. The software purchase processes are constantly open for new products and vendors. Forrester research from 2019 shows that as much as 32% of insurers’ IT budget goes to digital transformation. That’s where you have to know how to navigate the rough waters.

    See publication
  • Insurance for drones: why insuring drone deliveries is the next big thing


    With drone deliveries going mainstream, the insurance companies can no longer put their drone-related policies aside.

    You’ve been there too. Getting home after work, waiting 2 hours for food delivery to reach you due to the afternoon traffic. The Jetsons would probably just push a button in their Food-a-Rac-a-Cycle and get their dinner in minutes.

    Surprisingly, we’re not so far behind them. With Amazon about to launch drone deliveries, Walmart testing them now in the US, Dominos…

    With drone deliveries going mainstream, the insurance companies can no longer put their drone-related policies aside.

    You’ve been there too. Getting home after work, waiting 2 hours for food delivery to reach you due to the afternoon traffic. The Jetsons would probably just push a button in their Food-a-Rac-a-Cycle and get their dinner in minutes.

    Surprisingly, we’re not so far behind them. With Amazon about to launch drone deliveries, Walmart testing them now in the US, Dominos working on them around the world since 2013, and even Costa Coffee making successful drone deliveries to Dubai beaches, we’re closer to being the Jetsons of today than we think.

    Between 2023 and 2030, the drone delivery market is expected to grow 14,5% annually. Changes will be especially visible in the Asia-Pacific region, which is to have 39% market share by 2023, as described in a recent report by BIS Research.

    Each of these deliveries will have to be insured. And this means new revenue streams for the drones insurance industry.

    See publication
  • How to improve customer experience in insurance?

    Customers and sales are the main reasons for company’s activities. In competitive environment it’s extremely important to engage with them unconventionally and offer unique customer experience. This is true especially in insurance, where there are only a few touchpoints between the company and end client.

    See publication
  • Peer-to-peer: insurance with a friendly face?


    Led by reciprocity, backed by technology. That’s what peer-to-peer insurance is all about. It’s now gaining in prominence in China, but might soon expand to other countries, putting the traditional insurance model at risk.

    See publication


  • SAP - Enterprise Systems Laboratories


  • Umawianie spotkań handlowych


  • „Life in the professional firm-management” by Prof. Gary Evans, KPMG


Wyniki testów

  • Language Assessment in English

    Wynik: C1


  • polski

    Język ojczysty lub biegłość dwujęzyczna

  • angielski

    Język ojczysty lub biegłość dwujęzyczna

  • francuski

    Biegłość podstawowa

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