Grzegorz Mazurek

Warszawa, Woj. Mazowieckie, Polska Informacje kontaktowe
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Grzegorz Mazurek is the rector of Kozminski University, Warsaw, Poland – the leading…

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  • Kozminski University

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  • Leveraging employees as spokespeople in your HR strategy: How company-related employee posts on social media can help firms to attract new talent

    European Management Journal

    In a similar way as consumers use social media to spread word-of-mouth about brands and firms, employees perform similar activities when posting company-related content on social media. Such posts can be of significant importance for future employees who use them as supposedly unbiased information of firm attractiveness. Hence better understanding such activity is a crucial element of many HR managers. In this study we rely on signaling theory to explore the relationships between corporate…

    In a similar way as consumers use social media to spread word-of-mouth about brands and firms, employees perform similar activities when posting company-related content on social media. Such posts can be of significant importance for future employees who use them as supposedly unbiased information of firm attractiveness. Hence better understanding such activity is a crucial element of many HR managers. In this study we rely on signaling theory to explore the relationships between corporate brand strength, corporate social media activity and company-related posts by employees on social media channels. To analyze those relationships, we apply variance-based structural equation modeling (PLS SEM) based on data from a survey among scholars who published in A-journals. Our results show that corporate brand strength alone is not sufficient to mobilize employees to upload company-related posts. However, corporate brand strength influences corporate social media activity, which, in turn, impacts company-related posts by employees on social media. We highlight the crucial role of employees as spokespeople and influencers for firms, especially vis-à-vis applicants and prospective employees.

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  • Mission Statements in FT Ranked European Business Schools – A Content Analysis

    European Research Studies Journal

    The objective of this article is to investigate mission statements of European business schools ranked by Financial Times (FT) ranking team. In particular, the research focuses on such aspects as dynamics of missions’ changes, the keywords used, the impact of mission statement on b-school performance in the ranking process. Design/Methodology/Approach: Mission statements of b-schools ranked in “FT” from the years 2008, 2012, 2015 and 2017 were collected. Next, they were coded by means of…

    The objective of this article is to investigate mission statements of European business schools ranked by Financial Times (FT) ranking team. In particular, the research focuses on such aspects as dynamics of missions’ changes, the keywords used, the impact of mission statement on b-school performance in the ranking process. Design/Methodology/Approach: Mission statements of b-schools ranked in “FT” from the years 2008, 2012, 2015 and 2017 were collected. Next, they were coded by means of 6-items typology, based on typology used in previous research, descriptive statistics, McNemars and Chi-square tests have been used to analyse the data. Mission statement has not significant influence on the performance of schools in “FT” rankings. Findings: Mission statements of top listed schools and below average listed schools don’t differ significantly. The usage of keywords: “research” and “global” surged in most of the schools. Practical Implications: The article offers clear insights into the significance of mission statements of business schools, their changes and strategies of European business schools (e.g. going global, focusing on research). Originality/Value: The research encourages further research to focus on global market of business schools and further dynamic comparison.

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  • In bot we trust: A new methodology of chatbot performance measures

    Business Horizons

    Chatbots are used frequently in business to facilitate various processes, particularly those related to customer service and personalization. In this article, we propose novel methods of tracking human-chatbot interactions and measuring chatbot performance that take into consideration ethical concerns, particularly trust. Our proposed methodology links neuroscientific methods, text mining, and machine learning. We argue that trust is the focal point of successful human-chatbot interaction and…

    Chatbots are used frequently in business to facilitate various processes, particularly those related to customer service and personalization. In this article, we propose novel methods of tracking human-chatbot interactions and measuring chatbot performance that take into consideration ethical concerns, particularly trust. Our proposed methodology links neuroscientific methods, text mining, and machine learning. We argue that trust is the focal point of successful human-chatbot interaction and assess how trust as a relevant category is being redefined with the advent of deep learning supported chatbots. We propose a novel method of analyzing the content of messages produced in human-chatbot interactions, using the Condor Tribefinder system we developed for text mining that is based on a machine learning classification engine. Our results will help build better social bots for interaction in business or commercial environments.

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  • Industry 4.0: coherent definition framework with technological and organizational interdependencies

    Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management

    The purpose of this paper is to introduce coherent Industry 4.0 definition via a rigorous analysis framework, and provide a holistic view of technological, organizational and other key aspects (variables) of Industry 4.0 along with the identification of interdependencies that co-occur between them.

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  • Intranet - skuteczna komunikacja wewnętrzna w organizacji


    Intranet to współcześnie serce systemu komunikacji w organizacji. Intranety w ogromnym stopniu wpływają na sprawność działania firmy, a także na jej rozwój i kulturę organizacyjną. Stanowią niezbędne narzędzie pracy, ułatwiają dostęp do informacji, wspomagają pracę zespołową oraz pozwalają efektywnie zarządzać wiedzą i innowacjami. Autorzy książki opisują potencjał drzemiący we współczesnych systemach intranetowych, prezentują ich funkcjonalność oraz identyfikują najważniejsze etapy tworzenia i…

    Intranet to współcześnie serce systemu komunikacji w organizacji. Intranety w ogromnym stopniu wpływają na sprawność działania firmy, a także na jej rozwój i kulturę organizacyjną. Stanowią niezbędne narzędzie pracy, ułatwiają dostęp do informacji, wspomagają pracę zespołową oraz pozwalają efektywnie zarządzać wiedzą i innowacjami. Autorzy książki opisują potencjał drzemiący we współczesnych systemach intranetowych, prezentują ich funkcjonalność oraz identyfikują najważniejsze etapy tworzenia i zarządzania platformami intranetowymi. Książka zawiera studia przypadków wdrożeń systemów intranetowych w polskich firmach, a ponadto prezentuje wyniki szeroko zakrojonych badań z udziałem menedżerów i specjalistów dotyczących korzystania z intranetów w rodzimym biznesie.

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    • Urszula Kandefer
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  • Marketing and Artificial Intelligence

    Central European Business Review

    In recent years, artificial intelligence (AI) has become an emerging trend in different fields: science, business, medicine, automotive and education. AI has also reached marketing. The aim of the paper is to research how deeply AI is applied in marketing and what implications there are for marketing practitioners. Authors stated two research questions - which areas of AI are used in marketing and what implications AI delivers for marketing managers. To answer those questions, the authors…

    In recent years, artificial intelligence (AI) has become an emerging trend in different fields: science, business, medicine, automotive and education. AI has also reached marketing. The aim of the paper is to research how deeply AI is applied in marketing and what implications there are for marketing practitioners. Authors stated two research questions - which areas of AI are used in marketing and what implications AI delivers for marketing managers. To answer those questions, the authors conducted research on secondary data with AI examples used for marketing purpose. The analysis of gathered examples shows that AI is widely introduced into the marketing field, though the applications are at the operational level. This may be the effect of careful implementation of the new technology, still at the level of experimenting with it. The uncertainty of the outcome of AI implementation may affect the caution in putting these innovations into practice as well. Gathered examples proved that AI influences all aspects of marketing mix impacting both consumer value delivery as well as the marketing organization and management. The paper delivers implications for business, especially ideas about implementing AI into marketing, designing innovations and the ideas on how to incorporate new skills into marketing team required by the new technology.

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  • Transformacja cyfrowa - perspektywa marketingu


    Transformacja cyfrowa, której wyrazem jest przenikanie technologii cyfrowych przez wszystkie aspekty działania organizacji i aktywności jej reprezentantów oraz klientów, to jedno z kluczowych zjawisk opisujących współczesną rzeczywistość gospodarczą. Pozwala osiągnąć zwiększoną wydajność i sprawność działania organizacji, ale również wymusza silne skupienie się na kliencie oraz ułatwia powstawanie nowych źródeł zysku. Ogromną rolę w procesach transformacyjnych odgrywa marketing, który także –…

    Transformacja cyfrowa, której wyrazem jest przenikanie technologii cyfrowych przez wszystkie aspekty działania organizacji i aktywności jej reprezentantów oraz klientów, to jedno z kluczowych zjawisk opisujących współczesną rzeczywistość gospodarczą. Pozwala osiągnąć zwiększoną wydajność i sprawność działania organizacji, ale również wymusza silne skupienie się na kliencie oraz ułatwia powstawanie nowych źródeł zysku. Ogromną rolę w procesach transformacyjnych odgrywa marketing, który także – za sprawą internetu i rozwiązań cyfrowych – ulega głębokim przeobrażeniom.
    Książka ma na celu zidentyfikowanie całokształtu zmian jakie wywołuje technologia cyfrowa na koncepcję, instrumenty i działania marketingowe. Najnowsza wiedza teoretyczna przeplata się z licznymi przykładami z praktyki gospodarczej. Opisane zostały także badania na wybitnych, światowej klasy ekspertach od technologii i marketingu oraz menedżerach i specjalistach marketingu z polskich przedsiębiorstw. To wszystko stanowi przyczynek do głębszej dyskusji oraz pogłębionej analizy nad rolą marketingu i współczesnego menedżera marketingu w organizacji.

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  • What if you ask and they say yes? Consumers' willingness to disclose personal data is stronger than you think

    Business Horizons

    Technological progress—including the development of online channels and universal access to the internet via mobile devices—has advanced both the quantity and the quality of data that companies can acquire. Private information such as this may be considered a type of fuel to be processed through the use of technologies, and represents a competitive market advantage. This article describes situations in which consumers tend to disclose personal information to companies and explores factors that…

    Technological progress—including the development of online channels and universal access to the internet via mobile devices—has advanced both the quantity and the quality of data that companies can acquire. Private information such as this may be considered a type of fuel to be processed through the use of technologies, and represents a competitive market advantage. This article describes situations in which consumers tend to disclose personal information to companies and explores factors that encourage them to do so. The empirical studies and examples of market activities described herein illustrate to managers just how rewards work and how important contextual integrity is to customer digital privacy expectations. Companies' success in obtaining client data depends largely on three Ts: transparency, type of data, and trust. These three Ts—which, combined, constitute a main T (i.e., the transfer of personal data)—deserve attention when seeking customer information that can be converted to competitive advantage and market success.

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    • Karolina Małagocka
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  • What Attracts the Best Information Technology Talents? Employer Branding in Transition Economies

    Conference: (AMCIS 2018) Twenty-fourth Americas Conference on Information Systems, 2018At: New Orleans, USA

    The objective of this paper is to identify the most important issues in employer branding that make companies attractive to information technology talents, specifically in transition economies, viz. economies or countries that are in the long process of moving from a planned economy to a market-driven economy. We report on a survey in Poland, and based on 127 responses and exploratory factor analysis, we show what seem to be the important issues in employer branding in this transition economy…

    The objective of this paper is to identify the most important issues in employer branding that make companies attractive to information technology talents, specifically in transition economies, viz. economies or countries that are in the long process of moving from a planned economy to a market-driven economy. We report on a survey in Poland, and based on 127 responses and exploratory factor analysis, we show what seem to be the important issues in employer branding in this transition economy. We also compare our findings with previously published finding from studies conducted in mature economies. Furthermore, we propose signaling theory as a possible explanatory context for employer branding in transition economies.

  • Social Media: State of the Art and Research Agenda


    This chapter reviews the current and the prospective research on social media, which refers to a group of Internet-based applications that build on the ideological and technological foundations of Web 2.0, and that allow the creation and exchange of user-generated content. The phenomenon of social media directly impacts the private, the professional, and the academic world. In the chapter, we present a brief history of social media, classification of social media applications including:…

    This chapter reviews the current and the prospective research on social media, which refers to a group of Internet-based applications that build on the ideological and technological foundations of Web 2.0, and that allow the creation and exchange of user-generated content. The phenomenon of social media directly impacts the private, the professional, and the academic world. In the chapter, we present a brief history of social media, classification of social media applications including: collaborative projects, (micro)blogs, content communities, social networking sites, virtual game worlds and virtual social worlds. Finally, the thematic and the macro-level discussion of the social media research covered will lead to a research agenda with regard to the next couple of years

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  • E-Commerce and Social Media Indicators

    Emerald Publishing Limited

    Abstract It seems that the Internet boom, which started at the end of the 1990s and finished
    with the spectacular collapse of the so-called dotcoms, is probably over. We are currently
    enjoying a period of fast and stable growth. This is manifested by the growing number of
    both Internet users and companies which–to an ever-increasing extent–use the Internet as a
    form of communication (both internal and external), promotion, sales etc. Expenditures on
    Internet advertising are…

    Abstract It seems that the Internet boom, which started at the end of the 1990s and finished
    with the spectacular collapse of the so-called dotcoms, is probably over. We are currently
    enjoying a period of fast and stable growth. This is manifested by the growing number of
    both Internet users and companies which–to an ever-increasing extent–use the Internet as a
    form of communication (both internal and external), promotion, sales etc. Expenditures on
    Internet advertising are growing continuously and now constitute more than 25% of all
    advertising expenditure. A natural consequence of this development is the need for the
    standardisation and organisation of the world of the Internet. These activities will result in a
    greater awareness of the benefits which this medium provides, increasing the possibilities of
    its use, and–most importantly–the opportunity to evaluate the return on investments made …

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  • 1. G. Mazurek (2014), Network Value Creation Through Marketing, |„Management and Business Administration. Central Europe” Vol. 22, No. 4(127): p. 3–25, ISSN 2084–3356 , p. 70-77


Wyróżnienia i nagrody

  • 2020 Gwiazda Umiędzynarodowienia - Kategoria: Badania naukowe

    Fundacja "Perspektywy"

  • 2020 Wyróżnienie Polskiej Akademii Nauk dla podręcznika - "E-marketing - planowanie, narzędzia, praktyka"

    Polska Akademia Nauk - Komitet Nauk o Organizacji i Zarządzaniu

  • 2016-2018 Członek Rady ds. Cyfryzacji - Ministerstwo Cyfryzacji

    Ministerstwo Cyfryzacji

  • 2017 - Eduinspirator


    EDUinspirator to konkurs dla osób, które aktywnie angażują się w realizację międzynarodowych projektów edukacyjnych. Szukamy osób, których działania wyróżniają się wysoką jakością i które dzięki uczestnictwu w programach zarządzanych przez FRSE, wpływają na otaczającą rzeczywistość. EDUinspiratorem może zatem zostać osoba, która dzięki projektowi rozpoczęła swoją przygodę z działalnością edukacyjną, rozwinęła się oraz pozytywnie wpłynęła na środowisko lokalne.

  • 2015 Lumen - Lider zarządzania uczelnią (kategoria: umiędzynarodowienie)

    Perspektywy, PCG

    LUMEN wspiera i integruje społeczność osób profesjonalnie zarządzających uczelniami w Polsce. Do grona organizatorów projektu, obok firmy PCG, dołączyli: Pearson Central Europe, Bank Zachodni WBK realizujący program Santander Universidades oraz Dziennik Rzeczpospolita. Patronat honorowy nad wydarzeniem objęły Fundacja Rektorów Polskich (FRP) oraz Konferencja Rektorów Akademickich Szkół Polskich (KRASP).

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