

Szkolenia zawodowe i coaching

Warszawa, Woj. Mazowieckie 1004 obserwujących

We talk about JavaScript. Every month in Warsaw, Poland.


We talk about JavaScript. Every month in Warsaw, Poland.

Szkolenia zawodowe i coaching
Wielkość firmy
2–10 pracowników
Siedziba główna
Warszawa, Woj. Mazowieckie
Działalność edukacyjna
Data założenia
JavaScript, Front-end, Szkolenia i Spotkania


Pracownicy WarsawJS


  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika WarsawJS; grafika

    1004 obserwujących

    WarsawJS Meetup #116 without interesting lightning talks? That can't be! So let's introduce the first one 🎊 The first lightning talk will be given by Iga Trydulska — fashion journalist, researcher at K MAG. Iga is a journalist and researcher working at the intersection of fashion and technology. Since 2022, she has held the position of Fashion Editor-at-Large at K MAG Magazine. Her research areas include ethical AI development, creative coding, and gender studies. She is an alumna of London College of Fashion and the Creative Computing Institute (UAL). What will she be presenting for us? ⚡️ How LLMs influence the gender bias portrayed in the media? ⚡️ AI development is unlikely to stop in the near future; however, even at this stage, many instances of sexism can be seen in the products created by generative AI models. The talk will explore how potentially discriminating data is present both in the input and the output of neural networks: from databases to the structure of the layers themselves (for example - working on datasets which are formed by scraping data off websites such as Reddit or Wikipedia, which have a predominately male demographic). Key terms will be defined, and AI developments will be placed in a wider context, which also includes new retouching techniques. Finally, possible answers to this problem will be offered, keeping in mind that many solutions - such as increasing computational power or the dataset size - result in the apophenia phenomenon; increasing societal visual literacy will be presented as a possible way forward. (This is a run-through; I can write a more engaging description for a website, this is for you to check if it is interesting) Social media 🖱 ➛ https://lnkd.in/dzvYmcwX  ➛ https://lnkd.in/du8EDv2p  ➛ https://lnkd.in/du8EDv2p  ➛ https://lnkd.in/dbQqaQAU 🔖 Reservation — https://lnkd.in/d3wy-w2z 👉 Livestream — https://warsawjs.com/live Iga Trydulska will be speaking on Wednesday, 10.07 at 18:30 🕡 at our Meetup. You can't miss it! 🎉 #WarsawJS #Meetup #AIDevelopment #TechInFashion

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  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika WarsawJS; grafika

    1004 obserwujących

    For the third presentation at WarsawJS Meetup #116, it's worth staying until the end. We guarantee you won't be disappointed! 👍 The third to take our stage will be Przemysław Konefał — Lead Frontend Developer at Neuraum Ventures GmbH. Przemysław has a business-oriented mindset and over 6 years of commercial experience. As a T-shaped developer, he is familiar with backend development, DevOps, and data work. He specializes in Web Vitals and website performance optimizations. A philosopher by passion, sports are his second nature. So, what will he share with us? 👨🏫 Simplicity in the spectrum: Identifying and overcoming overengineering 👨🏫 One of the main pillars of maturing as a developer is mastering the skill of striking the right balance between underengineering and overengineering. This session aims to equip developers with a systematic approach to dealing with the latter. We'll explore the common reasons that drive developers to overshoot their solutions, particularly in the realm of frontend development. Then, we'll discuss the signs and in-code symptoms of unnecessary complexity. In the end, we'll dive into useful heuristics, mental models, and thought filters to refine our approach to project complexity, to find that sweet spot more consistently. Social media 🖱 ➛ https://lnkd.in/dxJ3s7pghttps://lnkd.in/di4dz7ph 🔖 Reservation — https://lnkd.in/d3wy-w2z 👉 Livestream — https://warsawjs.com/live Przemysław Konefał will be presenting on Wednesday, 10.07 at 18:30 🕡 at our Meetup. You can't miss this! 🎉 #WarsawJS #Meetup #FrontendDevelopment #WebPerformance

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  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika WarsawJS; grafika

    1004 obserwujących

    We have a surprise for you! Our last WarsawJS Meetup #115 featured an exceptional lightning talk that you simply must see. Waleria Gorobets, a well-known actress, shared her vision in a presentation titled "Technology of Mass Healing" 💡 If you're curious about how technology can serve love instead of destruction, this video is for you! Waleria inspires and shows us how we can create a future full of positive changes. 🛠️❤️ Enjoy watching! 🍿 🎥 Video — https://lnkd.in/dwhg6mCn Don't miss WarsawJS Meetup #116 on July 10th! We have a lot of exciting presentations lined up. Get your tickets by clicking the link below 👇 🔖 Tickets: https://lnkd.in/d3wy-w2z #WarsawJS #Meetup #Technology #TechForGood

  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika WarsawJS; grafika

    1004 obserwujących

    The second lecture at WarsawJS Meetup #116 is a real treat for all JS enthusiasts, of which there is no shortage among us. Let’s get to the details! 🔎 This fantastic presentation will be delivered by Andrii Romasiun — Frontend Engineer at Strathberry. Andrii is a full stack engineer with over five years of experience, working with various technologies like Remix and Nest, as well as hobby programming in C++. Throughout his career, he has built e-commerce software, open-source crypto trading terminals, and COVID mitigation software for public places. He enjoys technical writing and working in the open-source space. He also founded open-source alternatives to Google Analytics and reCaptcha. Check out what he will be presenting to us 🧐 👨🏫 Writing secure JavaScript 👨🏫 In my speech, I want to talk about web security and how to write secure JavaScript. I will discuss how small bugs have opened huge vulnerabilities even in big companies like Google and Cloudflare. What are the common and uncommon vulnerabilities in JS full stack applications (XSS, header poisoning, SQLi, clickjacking, directory traversal, RCE, open redirects, and more), with real-life examples, and how to detect, prevent, and mitigate such vulnerabilities. And at the end, I'll give a short talk about how to set up a secure coding environment and why it's important (static code analysis, environment configuration, dependency management). Social media 🖱 ➛ https://lnkd.in/dduk9PJq  ➛ https://lnkd.in/dfEWusDh 🔖 Reservation — https://lnkd.in/d3wy-w2z  👉 Livestream — https://warsawjs.com/live Andrii Romasiun will be presenting on Wednesday, 10.07 at 18:30 🕡 at our Meetup. You can’t miss it! 🎉 #WarsawJS #Meetup #JavaScrips #TechTalk

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  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika WarsawJS; grafika

    1004 obserwujących

    We warmly invite you to watch the latest recording from WarsawJS Meetup #115! Michał Miszczyszyn presented on “The Power of Property-Based Testing in TypeScript / Strengthening Code Quality,” and you can't miss it! 👀 In this talk, you'll learn what property-based testing is and how it can significantly improve the quality and reliability of your code. Michał explains the principles of this technique in an accessible way, shares practical examples, and demonstrates how property-based testing can uncover bugs and edge cases that traditional testing methods often miss. A definite must-watch for every developer! Enjoy the show! 🍿 🎥 Video — https://lnkd.in/duyFZ4zG On July 10th, WarsawJS Meetup #116 kicks off with a new lineup of inspiring talks. Don’t miss out and reserve your tickets by clicking the link below 👇 🔖 Tickets: https://lnkd.in/d3wy-w2z #WarsawJS #Meetup #TypeScript #CodeQuality

  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika WarsawJS; grafika

    1004 obserwujących

    To kick off WarsawJS Meetup #116, we've prepared something absolutely fantastic. This is a talk you definitely don't want to be late for! ⌚ The entire event will start on a high note with Michał Michalczuk — Senior Software Engineer at Tektit Consulting GmbH. Michał also works as an IT trainer at Infoshare Academy. In the past, he has worked on Jira Cloud and Atlassian Forge projects. Michał talks and records materials on front-end and web development. He is one of the hosts of the shows "Śniadanie z Programowaniem" and "Z Archiwum IT" organized by Just Join IT. So, what will he be talking about with us? 👨🏫 TypeScript Template Literal Types - Who Needs It Anyway? 👨🏫 A long, long time ago, TypeScript 4.1 brought a major change by introducing Template Literal Types. After this release, examples like type-based parsers or type-based SQL engines popped up like crazy. In the subsequent releases, we got even more Template Literal Types features! Cool. But it doesn’t answer our question - “Who needs it anyway?” I’ll talk about Template Literal Types, and we’ll explore more real-life use cases for them than just the mentioned type-based SQL engine :) Social media 🖱 ➛ https://lnkd.in/dxqWhuJV  ➛ https://lnkd.in/d3yq6Gmj  ➛ https://lnkd.in/d5iidPSW  ➛ https://lnkd.in/diRfYF8W  ➛ https://lnkd.in/d3MrHPwt  ➛ https://michalczukm.xyz 🔖 Reservation — https://lnkd.in/d3wy-w2z  👉 Livestream — https://warsawjs.com/live Michał Michalczuk will be speaking on Wednesday, July 10th at 18:30 🕡 at our Meetup. You can’t miss this! 🎉 #WarsawJS #Meetup #TypeScript #TechTalk

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  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika WarsawJS; grafika

    1004 obserwujących

    Droga społeczności WarsawJS, Nasza koleżanka Lena potrzebuje teraz naszej pomocy bardziej niż kiedykolwiek. Organizuje zbiórkę na jej leczenie i każda wpłata przybliża nas do celu. Wierzymy, że razem możemy zrobić różnicę i wspierać Lenę w tej trudnej walce. Zachęcamy Was do dołączenia do zbiórki i podzielenia się informacją z innymi. Wasze wsparcie jest nieocenione. Razem możemy osiągnąć cel jak najszybciej! Dziękujemy za Waszą pomoc i solidarność. WarsawJS

    Zobacz profil użytkownika ⚔ Lena Sędkiewicz; grafika

    Freelance Web Developer (React, JavaScript, WordPress) | Psycholog wspierający m.in. kobiety oraz osoby neuroróżnorodne

    Szybkie pytanie: polecicie dalej moją zbiórkę na leczenie po leczeniu onkologicznym? A teraz długa opowieść. Ostatnio LinkedIn żyje "Polecajka Gate". Kto widział - ten wie, kto nie widział - niech nie nadrabia, nie ma czego. Ot, jest różnica zdań, niektórzy przepraszają, niektórzy żartują. Dzień jak co dzień, tylko zasięgi większe... Czemu "bagatelizuję" tę, jak się okazało, dość nośną sprawę w sieci? Po prostu mam na głowie inne rzeczy. Jak wiecie, od ponad roku szukam zdalnej pracy na etat z elastycznymi godzinami pracy. Freelancing jest dla mnie zbyt nieprzewidywalny - raz jest praca, raz jej nie ma. A ja po prostu nie mam już siły ciągnąć JDG, szukania pracy, ogarniania zleceń które wpadają (jak wpadają) i nauki (jak nie wpadają). Może bym i miała siłę, gdyby nie to, że jest jeszcze jeden wróg, o którym wie część z Was - nowotwór. Sytuacja jest "opanowana", tzn. byłam operowana prawie 3 lata temu i 2 lata brałam hormony jako leczenie uzupełniające. Jednak w trakcie leczenia pracodawca (podkreślam: miał w świetle prawa takie możliwości, nie byłam na L4) zlikwidował m.in. moje stanowisko pracy. Efekt? W momencie gdy czułam się coraz gorzej na hormonoterapii, coraz trudniej mi było wychodzić z domu, i jeszcze kilka dni wcześniej zmarła moja Babcia dostałam metaforycznie z liścia w twarz - czyli wypowiedzenie. Przeszłam na JDG, jakoś zaczęłam działać, ale przy dociążonym leczeniem organizmie było ciężko. Fun fact - zaczęłam jeździć na konferencje, bo poza tym, że uwielbiam dzielić się wiedzą, to... wielu organizatorów konferencji płaci za nocleg. W sytuacji gdzie nie było mnie stać na urlop to naprawdę stała się fajna alternatywa. Tak, jestem wojowniczką, ale to też ma swoje granice... właśnie do nich dotarłam. Kilka miesięcy temu zakończyłam leczenie. Przeszłam uciążliwy "detoks", bo odstawienie hormonów i antydepresantów było dość hardcorowe. Teraz zaczęłam biegać po lekarzach i poza tym, że w wyniku leczenia mam otyłość I stopnia, podejrzenie insulinooporności (no 💩 Sherlock), ból stawów i obrzęki czy menopauzę to jeszcze pojawia się podejrzenie, że przynajmniej kilka innych rzeczy się zepsuło. O PTSD nie wspomnę, bo trudno nie mieć PTSD jak np. jakiś lekarz, wybaczcie określenie, op*rdala pacjenta na korytarzu ujawniając szczegóły leczenia. Podobnych sytuacji miałam na pęczki. Ale cóż, najważniejsze że lekarz sobie ulżył. Tylko, że po iluś latach takiego traktowania + ogólnie traumy ciężko jest nie dorobić się stresu pourazowego. Dobra wiadomość: sporo zmian jest odwracalnych. Zła wiadomość: na odwrócenie tych zmian potrzeba, poza moim zaangażowaniem, pieniędzy. Dobra wiadomość: można mi pomóc, o tu: https://lnkd.in/dfKHmc9j (na leczenie - najważniejsze) Albo tu: https://lnkd.in/dFVk4FgC (na włóczkę, ziemię do kwiatów i kupowanie ebooków, żeby móc żyć czymś innym niż leczenie). To co, udostępnicie taką "polecajkę"? 🤔 #onkosurvivor

  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika WarsawJS; grafika

    1004 obserwujących

    You can't miss this! Olga Milczek (Box) prepared an amazing lightning talk at WarsawJS Meetup #115 titled "Less is slow. When a few lines of code can make your app much slower" 🎤📹 Have you always thought that shorter code is better? Olga debunks this myth, showing how minimalism in code can lead to performance and readability issues. Through real-life examples, you'll learn how a few elegant lines of code can slow down your application and complicate its maintenance. Olga will provide tips on finding the perfect balance between brevity and efficiency. This is a great lesson for anyone who wants to write efficient and clear code 🧑💻⚡ Enjoy watching! 🍿 🎥 Video — https://lnkd.in/d8iTKedD We encourage you to join us for WarsawJS Meetup #116, which will take place on July 10th. Fascinating presentations await you! You can get your tickets by clicking the link below 👇 🔖 Tickets: https://lnkd.in/d3wy-w2z #WarsawJS #Meetup #CodeOptimization #CodingTips

  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika WarsawJS; grafika

    1004 obserwujących

    📢 The full agenda for WarsawJS Meetup #116 is now available! 📢 We are delighted to introduce the speakers and topics that will be discussed at our upcoming meeting on July 10th at the Paramount office. We have prepared exceptional presentations that you definitely don't want to miss! 👨🏫 Michał Michalczuk — TypeScript Template Literal Types - Who Needs It Anyway? 👨🏫 A long, long time ago, TypeScript 4.1 brought a major change by introducing Template Literal Types. Following this release, examples like type-based parsers or type-based SQL engines spawned like crazy. In subsequent releases, we got even more Template Literal Types features! Cool. But it doesn’t answer our question: “Who needs it anyway?” I’ll talk about Template Literal Types and we’ll explore more real-life use cases for them beyond the mentioned type-based SQL engine :) 👨🏫 Andrii Romasiun — Writing Secure JavaScript 👨🏫 In my speech, I want to talk about web security and how to write secure JavaScript. I will discuss how small bugs have opened huge vulnerabilities even in big companies like Google and Cloudflare. What are the common and uncommon vulnerabilities in JS full-stack applications (XSS, header poisoning, SQLi, clickjacking, directory traversal, RCE, open redirects, and more), with real-life examples, and how to detect, prevent, and mitigate such vulnerabilities. At the end, I'll give a short talk about how to set up a secure coding environment and why it's important (static code analysis, environment configuration, dependency management). 👨🏫 Przemysław Konefał — Simplicity in the Spectrum: Identifying and Overcoming Overengineering 👨🏫 One of the main pillars of maturing as a developer is mastering the skill of striking the right balance between underengineering and overengineering. This session aims to equip developers with a systematic approach to dealing with the latter. We'll explore the common reasons that drive developers to overshoot their solutions, particularly in the realm of frontend development. Then, we'll discuss the signs and in-code symptoms of unnecessary complexity. In the end, we'll dive into useful heuristics, mental models, and thought filters to refine our approach to project complexity, to find that sweet spot more consistently. Don't miss the opportunity to gain new knowledge and exchange experiences with other developers! Tickets are now available: https://lnkd.in/d3wy-w2z See you on July 10th! 🎉 #WarsawJS #Meetup #TechTalks #CodingCommunity

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  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika WarsawJS; grafika

    1004 obserwujących

    🚀 Hey WarsawJS! 🚀 Have you ever wondered how to speed up your product development while also increasing its quality? We have something that might interest you! 💡 📚 In the latest article on the monday.com blog, you will find a comprehensive guide to Agile Product Management. You'll learn how traditional, long-term processes can be replaced by agile methods that focus on rapid iteration and continuous improvement. The article includes practical examples, best practices, and the benefits of implementing Agile in product management. 🎯 What will you find in the article? 👉 What is Agile Product Management? 👉 Examples of Agile applications in real companies like Ericsson, Cisco, and Fitbit. 👉 Key benefits, including faster product market introduction, higher product quality, and greater customer satisfaction. 👉 Five best practices for Agile product managers. Don’t miss this opportunity to discover a new approach to product management and take your projects to the next level! 📈 📰 Article: https://lnkd.in/duBkYC7g Read and let us know what you think! 😊 #WarsawJS #Agile #ProductManagement

    Agile product management: Processes, best practices, and examples

    Agile product management: Processes, best practices, and examples


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