Many Mornings

Many Mornings

Odzież i moda — sprzedaż detaliczna

Łódź, Łódzkie 2171 obserwujących

World's No. 1 mismatched socks brand since 2014 | Made in EU | The perfect gift that adds a bit of color to your life 🎁


In 2014, in the heart of the Polish textile industry; the central hub of the EU, the idea of having two mismatched socks in one pair was born. The rest is history! At Many Mornings, we strive to create a colorful world of socks, that reflects what’s most important; being yourself! Our socks tell stories and let you stand out from the crowd. Since day one we’ve been interested in helping those in need, and continue to set up initiatives that support the society, environmental protection and animal welfare, through our SHARE A PAIR program. Just like everyone, our socks are unique and different – we call this mismatched, but matching. We want our socks to add color to your day, by reminding you that you wear uniqueness and individuality on your left foot, and creativity and optimism on your right!  Many Mornings - More than socks!

Odzież i moda — sprzedaż detaliczna
Wielkość firmy
11–50 pracowników
Siedziba główna
Łódź, Łódzkie
Spółka cywilna
Data założenia
socks, design, ecommerce, mismatched socks, customization, limited edition, presents i gifting


Pracownicy Many Mornings


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    At Many Mornings, we believe in celebrating diversity and the unique stories that make us who we are 🌟 We were incredibly moved by this beautiful story from Sacheen Sierro that started with a post, that we reacted to a little over a month ago. The joy of seeing Sacheen and her sister Cillia finding happiness in our colorful socks is a reminder of why we do what we do – to spread love, inclusivity, and individuality with every pair. Thank you for sharing your story and for letting us be a part of your journey. Your spirit of embracing differences inspires us all 🧦✨ Here’s to many more mornings filled with joy, color, and connection ❤️

    Zobacz profil użytkownika Sacheen Sierro 🌞; grafika

    À vous la visibilité grâce à la puissance du marketing ✴️ Consultante marketing et digital ✴️ Formatrice en SEO éditorial 👉🏻 La visibilité par les mots

    C’est l’histoire d’un post qui m’a valu une avalanche de chaussettes 🧦 Dans ma famille, nous sommes deux. J’ai une petite sœur, elle s’appelle Cillia, et elle a un p’tit truc en plus, un 21ème chromosome. Le 21 mars, c’est la journée internationale de la trisomie. Une journée pour valoriser la diversité et la différence, et on la célèbre en portant ce jour-là des chaussettes dépareillées. Mais pourquoi un seul jour par an ? Moi, ce n’est pas juste une fois par an que j’ai envie de valoriser la différence, alors les chaussettes dépareillées, je les porte tous les jours de l’année. Et puis un matin, j’ai découvert la marque Many Mornings. Toutes leurs chaussettes sont assorties, différentes, incroyables et colorées. J’en ai acheté une première paire. Puis plusieurs, puis de plus en plus. Désormais, je ne porte qu’elles. Et évidemment, j’en ai offert à ma petite sœur. Cette année, la marque a vu mon post du 21 mars. Elle a lu, elle a liké, elle a partagé. Et le directeur marketing m’a écrit. Pour me remercier, il avait envie de nous offrir, à toutes les deux, nos nouvelles chaussettes. Un après-midi, Cillia est venue à la maison, et ensemble on a choisi nos modèles. On avait envie d'avoir les mêmes. Mais il a fallu négocier ferme ! Elle ne voulait que des monstres, des loups et des lions 🦁🐺 On a trouvé un compromis, je voulais aussi un peu de couleurs douces et des dessins d’été. Quand le colis est arrivé, on l’a ouvert toutes les deux. Quelle surprise, ils en avaient ajouté. Notamment leur modèle spécial 21 en rose et bleu. Cette marque prône de belles valeurs. À travers ses chaussettes, elle veut promouvoir la diversité et le caractère unique de chacun ! Elle a montré qu’en plus elle est ouverte, humaine et généreuse. Merci Oscar et toute l’équipe. Vous avez fait deux heureuses. Chaque année, le 21 mars, je me demande si ce type de post plus personnel a sa place ici ? J’ai ma réponse désormais : Bien sûr que oui. Cillia fait partie de ma vie, de qui je suis. En parler ici, c'est aussi me dévoiler. Et c’est ainsi que nous créons des liens 🧬

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  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika Many Mornings; grafika

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    Create your own socks… with Many Mornings! At Many Mornings, we launch dozens of new designs each year. But we don’t just create for consumers; we also partner extensively with brands, festivals, and cultural institutions 🎉 One partner we have collaborated with for many years is the International Animation Film Festival Animator, held in Poznań 🎥 This year, we teamed up again to create a cloudy, heavenly design. It incorporates key elements from this year’s festival, bringing an airy lightness to the world of animation. If you are interested in collaborating on your very own design, do reach out to us! Whether as a gift, a promotional item, or merchandise, we can create mismatched socks to match your needs 🧦

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  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika Many Mornings; grafika

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    A Tribute to Textile: Many Mornings Partners with Central Museum of Textiles Many Mornings has become a partner of the exhibition "Arkadius. Wielkie Namiętności. Konfrontacje." at the Centralne Muzeum Włókiennictwa w Łodzi / Central Museum of Textiles. From the very beginning, we have been associated with Łódź and the textile industry, so this collaboration means a lot to us 🧶 As part of this partnership, we have prepared a limited edition pair of socks inspired by the work of Arkadius (Arkadiusz Weremczuk), a renowned fashion designer who became one of the most important representatives of London Fashion Week at the turn of the 21st century. A fashion work of art, translated into sock reality 👗🧦 "Cooperation with the Central Museum of Textiles in Łódź is very special for us. We are a brand strongly associated with Łódź and the local textile industry. The limited edition socks we have created perfectly fit the characteristics of Arkadius' work. The socks are based on the dress from the famous 2003 United States of Mind show and refer to Polish culture and the cosmopolitan influences of the London avant-garde", said Maciek Butkowski, one of our co-founders. Many Mornings, as a partner, has also supported the exhibition financially and will be present in all advertising materials, which underscores the importance of this cooperation for both parties. For Centralne Muzeum Włókiennictwa w Łodzi, this is an opportunity to offer a unique product that fits perfectly with the aesthetics and theme of the exhibition 🤝 It is worth noting that this is the first such collaboration between Many Mornings and Centralne Muzeum Włókiennictwa w Łodzi, but definitely not the last. The socks will only be available during select events and campaigns promoting the exhibition. You can see the exhibition at the Central Museum of Textiles until July 27, 2025. For more information ⬇️ ⬇️

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  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika Many Mornings; grafika

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    What a birthday surprise! Forbes Polska approached us - to talk about socks, business, and birthdays 🎉 So we did. Starting with the most important question: How can you tell whether a sock is of the highest standard? 🧦💡 'By looking at the area around the toes and the heel', says Adrian Morawiak. If you don’t leave enough space around these areas, our designs and patterns get distorted, resulting in a much less appealing sock. This is just one of the interesting insights you can find in the latest Forbes Polska article, where our Co-CEOs Adrian and Maciek talk about how what started 10 years ago has grown into a business selling over 4 million pairs of socks a year. You’ll read our story, what makes us unique, why our business operates as it does, and why, as Maciek Butkowski said: ‘We wanted to be a global business from the start’. Try our socks and discover for yourself why we are going global! 🌐 Check out the full article through the link below ⬇️   Thank you Magdalena Lemańska, for the great interview!

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  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika Many Mornings; grafika

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    World Down Syndrome Day: Apprenticeship behind us 💪 We have successfully concluded the celebration of this year's WDSD! During this year's vocational activation on our islands, we had the privilege of hosting 91 wonderful apprentices with trisomy. With joy and smiles, they advised our clients on the best socks for two weeks 🧦 In total, they accumulated an impressive 205 hours of practice! Together, we managed to raise 27,343 PLN, which will be donated to partner foundations. These funds will help brighten the mornings of People with Down Syndrome throughout the year 🤩 It was an honor for us to host the apprentices at our points across the country. The enormity of gratitude and smile they gave us during their work will stay with us for a long time ☀️

  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika Many Mornings; grafika

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    Adding a bit of color to your trip to the zoo! 🤩🧡 Visiting a zoo is a great way for kids, and adults to learn about various wild, and less wild animals. What their habitat is, what they eat, how they spend their time, and where they naturally live. Giraffes, monkeys, tigers, beavers, and snakes are just a few of the most popular animals that everyone loves 🦓 🐘🐅 But, a visit to the zoo would not be complete without… souvenirs 🥳 Did you know that our Many Mornings socks can be found in many zoo’s across Europe? 😻 It might not be very surprising considering we have over 30 animal designs. You can easily match up our socks with the animals present in the zoo, offering a nice way for kids and adults to take home their fan favourites on their feet. A few of the zoo’s where you can find our socks are: Zoologischer Garten Berlin,Zoo Hannover GmbH, Burgers' Zoo, Diergaarde Blijdorp, and since early April, we have added ZOO Łódź, in our hometown to the mix! Thank you for partnering with us, we are ZOOper happy to have you ☺️🧦

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  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika Many Mornings; grafika

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    A heart-warming post about the love between two sisters, Cillia and Sacheen. Cillia happens to have Down Syndrome, but that is something that doesn't change how much alike they are. Check out the post, it is really worth it 🫶👭 Thank you Sacheen Sierro 🌻 for these beautiful words 😊

    Zobacz profil użytkownika Sacheen Sierro 🌞; grafika

    À vous la visibilité grâce à la puissance du marketing ✴️ Consultante marketing et digital ✴️ Formatrice en SEO éditorial 👉🏻 La visibilité par les mots

    Au-delà des apparences, nous sommes bien plus semblables qu’il n’y paraît, ma petite sœur et moi... 💞 Je vous présente Cillia. En cette journée du 21 mars, journée mondiale de la trisomie 21, ce n’est pas sur nos différences que je mets l’accent. J'ai envie de parler de tout ce qui fait que nous nous ressemblons. Car nous sommes deux sœurs avant tout. Tout simplement. Il n’est pas question de nous arrêter à ce chromosome en plus.   Mais d'aller chercher plus loin, au-delà des apparences. En quoi sommes-nous pareilles ? Nous avons toutes les deux l’amour des mots. Les miens, je les écris ici, avec mon ordi et mon clavier. Toi, ma sœur, ce sont de petits papiers que tu laisses partout. Pour me dire que tu m’aimes. Ou pour me glisser une énième liste d'idées cadeaux pour ton anniversaire. Pour que surtout je n'oublie pas. Toutes les deux, nous aimons les gens. Un intérêt véritable, entier et profond pour l’autre. Par contre il ne se traduit pas pareil. Tu sauras toujours mieux le montrer que moi. Tu oses encore courir pour te jeter dans nos bras, tandis que moi, j’ai perdu cette spontanéité avec les années. Je devrais d'ailleurs prendre exemple sur toi... Toutes les deux, nous sommes gourmandes au-delà du raisonnable. L’appel d’un bon plat ou d’un petit chocolat, difficile de résister. Je me demande bien qui nous a transmis ça 😉 Toutes les deux, nous vouons un culte au café. Aucune journée sans notre ristretto. Rendez-vous en commentaire, j'ai une photo mythique, nous tenons notre tasse à l'identique, les deux mains jointes, encerclant la tasse ☕️ Notre rêve de trouver l’amour, avec un grand mariage en blanc. Le mien a eu lieu il y a 23 ans… le tien a l’air de se profiler à l’horizon. Avec la bague de fiançailles que tu portes au doigt depuis quelques semaines. Notre amour des chiens… Je sais même que tu clames que Kaya est à toi. Je veux bien partager, tant que tu t’occupes aussi d’aller la promener 🐕 Nos collections de sacs à main. De toutes les formes et toutes les couleurs. Il t'en manque toujours un... que souvent tu viens piquer dans mon armoire. Je te vois, petite coquine 👛 Chère Cillia, chaque année, en cette journée spéciale, je prends la plume pour te rendre hommage, pour te remercier d’être cette étincelle de joie dans mon quotidien. Tu ne rends pas toujours nos vies faciles, avec ton sacré caractère, mais tu nous enrichis, au-delà de ce que tu peux imaginer. Tu m’as ouvert à tant de richesses. Tu m’as appris la tolérance, le droit à la différence. Tu m’as montré la voie de l’empathie, la patience, la curiosité de l’autre. Sans toi, jamais je ne serais devenue une aussi bonne professionnelle du marketing, une aussi bonne enseignante, une aussi bonne maman, une aussi bonne personne. Merci petite sœur de faire partie de ma vie 💕 🌈🧦 PS. Le signe de cette journée, ce sont les chaussettes dépareillées pour montrer qu'on est pour la différence. À vos chaussettes, venez les montrer en commentaire 🧦

    • cillia et sacheen sierro a l'occasion de la journee mondiale de la trisomie 21 et des chaussettes depareillées : au dela des apparences
  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika Many Mornings; grafika

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    Many Mornings 🧦 x DPD Polska Sp z o.o.📦 In the sock world, we want our socks to land on their new owner's feet as quickly as possible. To do that we work with reliable delivery partners, that offer a wide range of pick-up and delivery options and a high level of service. One such partner on our Polish market is DPD Polska Sp z o.o.. That is why when, they reached out to do a delivery partnership for the month of march, we were more than happy to participate! 🤝 Therefore, from the 1st of March until the 31st of March, you can get free delivery on online orders from 49 PLN to all DPD Pick-up points. PS: Did you know there are over 26,000 pick-up points in the network? 😮 🙏 Thank you Damian Duda and Łukasz Kutyła for making this cooperation happen!

  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika Many Mornings; grafika

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    Perfect Match - This love is on fire! 💖 February, the month of love.  Hearts, roses, and Cupid’s arrows are upon us. For those of you who have found their perfect match, great! For those of you who are still looking.. We are rooting for you! 🧦 Regardless, of where you are on your journey, we are giving you a Perfect Match of our own. Two mismatched socks. One perfect pair. On one sock we have a box of matches, on the other - hearts and matches. Both on a deep black background. They are definitely not your average Valentine’s design, but they are definitely fire 🔥🔥🔥 Available as a standalone pair, or as a gift set of two pairs of Perfect Match socks + limited edition custom matches (while supplies last). Jane Austen said - To love is to burn, to be on fire Now it’s your turn. Ignite your Valentine’s.. with Perfect Match 💞

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  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika Many Mornings; grafika

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    Many Mornings love a fair 🥰 🛍 To be able to spread colorful mornings far and wide, we are always looking for partners to build our brand with. A great place to meet existing partners and build new relationships is at trade fairs, and Ambiente 2024 Messe Frankfurt GmbH is probably the biggest in Europe! Did you know there were over 155,000 thousand visitors in 2023? This year is set to top that number. Today is the last day of the fair, but what a last day it is. At our booth you can meet Manuel Dieckmann who is managing the German market, Didier Corne, who is responsible for the French, and Belgian market as well as our head of distribution himself Bernhard Hluszik, who is catching many a smile with his charisma, and his (our 😉) amazing socks. Even Oscar Alexander Krysik who works on the brand is there, gathering insights, and learning what he can about how the sales process at fairs works. 🧦 If you are in the area please stop by our stand in Hall 4.2, booth F 59. If not, you can always reach out to us or any of the guys directly ✉️ The next stop is Intergift 2024 in Madrid, where we will be present from the 7th until the 10th of February.

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