Digital Fingerprints

Digital Fingerprints

Bezpieczeństwo komputerowe i bezpieczeństwo w sieci

Katowice, Śląskie 1669 obserwujących

Niewidoczny system uwierzytelniania wielopoziomowego zgodny z RODO i PSD2. #biometriabehawioralna


W Digital Fingerprints zapewniamy ciągłe uwierzytelnianie bazujące na biometrii behawioralnej. Rozwiązujemy "problem furtki” z jednoczesnym poszanowaniem prywatności użytkowników. Nasze rozwiązania są bezkontekstowe, oparte na sztucznej inteligencji, a ich atutem jest szybkość działania. Dane uwierzytelniające, tokeny i inne metody logowania do systemów są niewygodne i podatne na ataki, takie jak przejęcie sesji lub kradzież konta i danych logowania. Stale sprawdzamy zachowanie użytkownika, aby skutecznie zareagować w przypadku próby włamania na konto. Nasze rozwiązanie zapewnia Klientom niewidoczną metodę uwierzytelniania wielopoziomowego, która chroni ich podczas trwania całej sesji. Nie zwracamy uwagi na to, co robisz, ale jak to robisz. Nasze rozwiązanie jest zgodne z przepisami RODO i PSD2, dostosowujemy się także do zmian w zachowaniu użytkowników. Jakość modeli można konfigurować w zależności od modelu ryzyka, a proces oceniania jest bardzo szybki ze względu na przetwarzanie strumieniowe. Po prostu bądź sobą i chroń swoje konta z pomocą Digital Fingerprints.

Bezpieczeństwo komputerowe i bezpieczeństwo w sieci
Wielkość firmy
11–50 pracowników
Siedziba główna
Katowice, Śląskie
Spółka prywatna
Data założenia
Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Stream Processing, CyberSecurity, Multi Factor Authentication, Strong Customer Authentication, Behavioural Biometrics i Continuous Authentication


Pracownicy Digital Fingerprints


  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika Digital Fingerprints; grafika

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    According to the 'NetB@nk' report, as many as 21.7 million Poles were using mobile banking applications at the end of 2023. Interestingly, as many as 72% of them declare that this is the only way they handle their accounts. This is a massive number of users who may be exposed to potential threats.   Fortunately, with the help of Mobile Behavioural Verification, this can be prevented. This solution will provide continuous protection by analysing user behaviour patterns.   To do this, it uses data such as: ➡️ Touchscreen - Time of touching the screen and releasing the finger from the screen, no data regarding the x, y coordinates of the screen touch ➡️ Keyboard - Key presses/releases on the keyboard - time, type information (letter, number, special character), no information about the specific letter, number or special character. ➡️ Accelerometer - x, y, z coordinates and the time of the event. ➡️ Gyroscope - x, y, z coordinates and the time of the event.   Most importantly, behavioural verification is context-free, requiring no user intervention, and anonymous because it only analyses the way the data is entered and not the content itself.   Follow the link and see exactly how Mobile Behavioural Verification can protect your customers ➡️   #DFP #DigitalFingerprints #Mobile #BehaviouralVerification #MobileBanking 

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  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika Digital Fingerprints; grafika

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    We are proud to announce that at the recent Fintech Evening, we were honoured not only to be placed on the map of Polish Fintech but also to receive an award! 📣   During the annual meeting of the most important managers and experts in the modern financial technology industry, BIK was awarded in the Finetech Project 2024 category for Behavioural Verification, which we so often mention here. 🌐   The diploma was collected by Agnieszka Szopa-Maziukiewicz, CEO at DFP and IT Managing Director at BIK Group, responsible for the development of this solution in the BIK group. On behalf of the organisers, the diploma was presented by Adam Matyaszek from the ITCARD board. 📜   Thank you for the distinction and appreciation of Behavioural Verification. Congratulations to all those awarded! 🏆   Visit our website to find out how Behavioural Verification works ➡️   #DigitalFingerPrints #DFP #BIK #Award #BehaviouralVerification #Cashless #Fintech #Evening #Event

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  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika Digital Fingerprints; grafika

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    The holiday season has begun. Are you planning a few days off or a trip? Your clients are also planning their holidays. 🛣️   It's a period when people are extraordinarily relaxed. It is good for their minds and bodies, but not exactly for their financial security! 🛡️   During holidays, we often forget about everyday matters and want to get things done quickly. It is easy to make mistakes, such as using a suspicious links or trusting the wrong person in a new, unfamiliar place. Fraudsters are aware of this and, especially at this time, are not wasting their time. ☝️   It is worth making your customers aware of these dangers and alerting them, but it is even better to have a safeguard that does not succumb to holiday laziness. 🌐   Remind your customers about Behavioural Biometrics, which work independently of the season, day, or time, constantly analysing the user's behavioural patterns. In this way, users can rest assured that their holiday inattention will at most result in them forgetting their towel on the beach and not becoming victims of fraudsters. 🏖️   If you have not yet implemented this protection in your system, please contact us for PoC and integration.   Visit our website to find out how it works ➡️   #DigitalFingerprints #Holidays #Behavioural #Biometrics #Banking #Security

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  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika Digital Fingerprints; grafika

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    The Payment Services Regulations (PSR) are crucial for ensuring the security, transparency, and efficiency of payment services across the European Economic Area. PSR imposes strict technical and security requirements on payment service providers (PSPs), including banks, payment institutions, and e-money providers. Central to these regulations is the implementation of strong customer authentication, requiring multi-factor verification to reduce fraud risk. PSPs must also use encrypted communication channels to protect data from unauthorised access and maintain advanced fraud prevention systems, utilising real-time monitoring and machine learning. Compliance with data protection laws like GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) is mandatory, ensuring personal and financial data security. 🛡️ Behavioural Biometrics is a solution that meets those standards. By analysing unique user behaviours like typing patterns and mouse movements, our technology provides seamless, invisible authentication. This approach not only enhances security but also ensures a smooth user experience. 🔐   Embrace the future of secure banking with DFP’s innovative solutions. 🌐 💼 Learn more ➡️ #BankingSecurity #BehaviouralBiometrics #PSRCompliance #FraudPrevention #DigitalFingerprints

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  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika Digital Fingerprints; grafika

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    We’re looking for Mid Data Scientist! 👨💻   Would you like to contribute to developing cutting-edge technology that has a real impact on bank security? This one might be for you!   Some of your responsibilities as Mid Data Scientist at Digital Fingerprints would be: • co-creation of a system based on behavioural biometrics to protect millions of users, • designing and conducting experiments on data, • development of machine learning algorithms, • research work and projects.   Tech stack: Machine learning – advanced 🔴 Git – regular 🟡 SQL – regular 🟡 Python – Regular 🟡   Some of the benefits we offer are: • 50% tax deduction, • bonus system, • private medical care in Luxmed, • co-financing of Multisport sports cards, • group life insurance, • access to a wellbeing platform,   Additionally – you can work stationary or in hybrid system   Learn more about our requirements and details of the offer here ➡️

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  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika Digital Fingerprints; grafika

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    Let's meet on June 13 at the Data Science Summit: Machine Learning Edition, the most important conference on this subject in Poland. 🤖   The event will last two days. 📆 13.06 online part 14.06 We will have the opportunity to see each other in person at the Kinoteka cinema in the Palace of Culture and Science in Warsaw. 📌   It is on this second day that DFP will be representing the @BIK Group with a speech entitled ‘Sectoral behavioural biometrics: how we created multi-bank models to protect millions of users’ 🔒   We sincerely invite you to the speech of our speakers, Paweł Sobel and Michał Kędra which will start at 10:35 a.m. 🕙   Find out more and get your ticket for the event using the link ➡️

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  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika Digital Fingerprints; grafika

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    New threats are constantly emerging in the digital world. Fraudsters are trying to gain access to accounts not only with classic attacks but also using social engineering. Classic security methods may not be enough. 👾   Fortunately, Digital Fingerprints have a solution. ☝️   Behavioural biometric authorises the user on the basis of unique behavioural patterns without analysing the content. The way we enter the data is important: the movements of the mouse, how the keys are struck, or how the fingers are moved across the screen. 🖥️   This type of protection does not require access to location, personal data, passwords, or transaction history.   Trust Behavioural Biometrics and take care of your security without compromising your privacy.   Trust Digital Fingerprints 👉   #DigitalFingerprints #CyberSecurity #SocialEngineering #BehaviouralBiometrics #Malware

  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika Digital Fingerprints; grafika

    1669 obserwujących

    We have already described complex forms of attacks involving the use of social engineering or malicious software. 👾   But what if our data was stolen or leaked? If a fraudster simply had access to our logins, passwords, emails and even multi-step verification applications? 🖥️   The answer is: behavioural biometrics would still detect the threat. ⚠️   Here's how: although our solution does not have insight into user data such as location or device information it is independently still running in the background analysing how the person logged in is using the device in question. If a user's credentials fall into the wrong hands, it will detect deviations in typing patterns. Behavioural biometrics will immediately recognize that these are not the owner's hands. 🛑   Discover more solutions from Digital Fingerprints 👉   #DigitalFingerprints #CyberSecurity #CredentialTheft #BehaviouralBiometrics

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  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika Digital Fingerprints; grafika

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    Remote access attacks are another threat to which we are vulnerable using traditional security methods. ⚠   Here is how bank clients fall victim to it: Fraudsters make a call impersonating bank employees and inform customers of a false threat detected on their account. At the same time, they are urging them to download a remote access tool (RAT) with which they claim to be able to help. This is obviously a scam. 👾   Once the RAT has been installed, the scammer has full access to our device and all information on it. That includes stored passwords. Since it performs operations from our device, almost no security method is able to detect the threat. 🐀   The exception to this is behavioural biometrics, which authenticates the user based on how he or she enters information rather than the password, location, or characteristics of the hardware. This ensures that no one but us can access the account, even if someone physically access the device. 💻📱   Find out what other threats behavioural biometrics protects you from. 👉 #DigitalFingerPrints #Security #RAT #Remote #Access #Attacks #Behavioural #Biometrics

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  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika Digital Fingerprints; grafika

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    Session hijacking exploits active sessions to steal sensitive data by impersonating legitimate users. 🪪   This occurs when hackers intercept session tokens, allowing them to access accounts without login credentials. It means that the fraudster does not have to bypass security because we disarmed it for him. 🔓   Users can fall victim to unsecured networks, phishing attacks, or malware. 👾   Luckily, behavioural biometrics is a solution that constantly runs in the background, analysing user behaviour patterns and detecting when account operations are performed in an unusual manner. ⚠️   Stay secure with Digital Fingerprints and find out how it works. ➡ #CyberSecurity #SessionHijacking #BehavioralBiometrics #DigitalSecurity #DigitalFingerprints

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