Content Writer

Content Writer

Usługi reklamowe

Poznań, Wielkopolskie 122 540 obserwujących

Profesjonalne treści dla Twojej firmy. Zwiększ sprzedaż i dotrzyj do nowych odbiorców.


Content Writer to zespół doświadczonych copywriterów, redaktorów i tłumaczy. Wspólnymi siłami tworzymy unikalne teksty marketingowe w ponad 20 krajach. - Najpopularniejsza agencja reklamowa w Polsce wg portalu LinkedIn. - Jedna z najbardziej rozwojowych organizacji content marketingu na świecie. - 1000+ zadowolonych klientów i 5000+ zrealizowanych projektów.

Usługi reklamowe
Wielkość firmy
501-1 000 pracowników
Siedziba główna
Poznań, Wielkopolskie
Spółka cywilna
Data założenia
Content writing, SEO writing i E-commerce


Pracownicy Content Writer


  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika Content Writer; grafika

    122 540 obserwujących

    Education is the most popular industry among writers. 12.24% of content creators say it is their specialty. The next most common industries in content writing are: ▶ Business: 9.24% ▶ Marketing: 8.55% ▶ Health care: 7.16% ▶ Lifestyle: 6.70% ▶ Art: 6.47% ▶ Technology: 6.24% ▶ Media: 6.24% ▶ Beauty: 5.54% In the survey, you indicated business as the most popular industry - you were close. 😊 Follow us to receive more unique data from platform! 🔔

    • Brak alternatywnego opisu tekstowego dla tego zdjęcia
  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika Content Writer; grafika

    122 540 obserwujących

    Precision, reliability, and conciseness — these are the hallmarks of ideal articles. The Inverted Pyramid Principle will be helpful in creating such content. This principle involves starting article with key information and gradually moving to less critical details. This approach aligns perfectly with the needs of today’s readers, who want to quickly find the necessary data. How to apply the Inverted Pyramid Principle? ➡ Start with the key information – place the most important details at the top. ➡ Skip long introductions – be direct and concise, get to the specifics quickly. ➡ Layer your content – put secondary information in later paragraphs. ➡ Use headings and bullet points – keep your content organized and clear. ➡ Maintain interest – ensure even the final details are relevant and engaging. Do you use this principle in practice? Or do you have another method? Share with us in the comments! #contentwriter #content #writing #copywriting

  • Content Writer ponownie to opublikował(a)

    Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika Content Writer; grafika

    122 540 obserwujących

    Do you need a college degree to become a content writer? No, you don't. In this industry, only your skills count. In fact, anyone can call themselves a "content writer". But the main thing is whether you can find clients and develop a career in this direction. And... it directly depends on your abilities, not education. Of course, studies, like any other source of knowledge, can help your career. In this case, the following may be helpful: 👉 philology and linguistics - to explore the rules of writing 👉 journalism and social communication - to create content in a catchy and engaging way 👉 marketing and public relations - to learn sales techniques and business principles However, you don't have to limit yourself to these ways. Each field of study will build your specialization, allowing you to write as an expert in your chosen industry. Remember: studies can be very helpful. They expand your knowledge and build contacts. But the main thing is to have skills, not a diploma – because clients expect results. They pay you only for that. And as you know, results are only possible when you create effective content. There's no other way. Therefore, focus on quality services and your career will go forward - regardless of your educational path. 💪

  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika Content Writer; grafika

    122 540 obserwujących

    The new edition of the popular "Content Writing Compendium" is now available! Download the book and learn everything related to content writing: ➡️ how to create SEO content in 2024? ➡️ where can you find orders and develop career? ➡️ how much should you take per word? ➡️ how to prepare a contract with a client? Join over 20,000 readers and delve into the world of content writing.

    Content Writing Compendium | E-book

    Content Writing Compendium | E-book

  • Content Writer ponownie to opublikował(a)

    Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika Content Writer; grafika

    122 540 obserwujących

    The work of a copywriter or content writer is not limited only to creation of the content. What are the most important features in this industry? Reliability 💡 Reliability come along with an honest exploration and look through the topic, creating an interesting substantive value and putting it in understandable, attractive language. This procedure is tantamount to difficult and time-consuming work, but it provides unique texts of the highest quality. Punctuality 🗓 When setting the deadline, the writer determines in advance when he or she will create the content. If the copywriter fails to stick to his or her decisions, it is only copywriter fault – or more precisely, it comes as a result of lack of strategy, poor calculation or laziness. Therefore, an exemplary copywriter, excluding events beyond his or her control, is always on time and delivers the ordered texts on time. Openness 🖐 An exemplary writer must be open to new solutions and experiences, approaching each assignment with a new perspective. Each company has its own business policy, and thus, different concepts and expectations regarding the text. A copywriter who stays open can not only adapt, but also give advice, suggest and propose different solutions. Communicativeness 💬 It is worth noting that communication is essential at every stage of cooperation. Initially, it allows the copywriter to clarify the details and understand all expectations regarding the order, and finally – implement comments and corrections so that the client accepts the final project. Professionalism 💎 A professional copywriter should establish clear terms and costs of the cooperation. Thanks to this, the client feels safe and knows exactly what to expect. And what would you add to this list? Share your insights! #content #copywriter #contentwriter #copywriting #quality

    • Infographics - 5 most important features of a copywriter

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