Animation series

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During the Walt Disney Companies Investor Day event, it was announced by Walt Disney Animation Studios Jennifer Lee that they were making a series based on Princess Tiana from the hit animated movie, “Princess and the Frog”. Princess Tiana will be returning for all-new stories in a long-form musical comedy series and it will be coming to Disney+ in 2022. #tiana2023 #disney The Frog Princess, New Animation Movies, Good Animated Movies, New Disney Movies, Disney Movie Posters, Jennifer Lee, Not Musik, Frog Princess, Disney Movies To Watch

During the Walt Disney Companies Investor Day event, it was announced by Walt Disney Animation Studios Jennifer Lee that they were making a series based on Princess Tiana from the hit animated movie, “Princess and the Frog”. Princess Tiana will be returning for all-new stories in a long-form musical comedy series and it will be coming to Disney+ in 2022. #tiana2023 #disney

Lina Rayene