to health misinformation

Look for the PIF TICK to provide health information you and your patients can TRUST


to health misinformation


Look for the PIF TICK to
provide health information
you and your patients

of healthcare professionals surveyed by the Patient Information Forum (PIF) reported difficulty sourcing reliable health information to share with patients.*

of healthcare professionals surveyed by the Patient Information Forum (PIF) reported difficulty sourcing reliable health information to share with patients.

Identifying reliable health information and responding to misinformation is a challenge.

The World Health Organization has developed a new toolkit that identifies credibility marks as part of the solution to misinformation.*

It features PIF TICK as a case study and identifies healthcare professionals as trusted signposters of health information.

Introducing PIF TICK…

PIF TICK is the only independently-assessed quality mark for trusted health information. It is operated by PIF.

PIF TICK helps you provide:

Evidence-based information you and your patients can trust.

Resources for patients in all areas of medicine, including areas of unmet need such as chronic pain and rare disease.

Expert-endorsed information developed with patients, for patients.

Information created with patients’ health literacy, accessibility and cultural needs in mind.

PIF TICK member directory - February 2024

PIF TICK members are certified annually in a robust, independent assessment using 10 criteria.

More than 100 charities, NHS Trusts, Individual creators and other organisations are PIF TICK certified. 

View PIF TICK members by therapy area.

Endorsed by experts

The TRIP database, Healthinote and HCI video use the PIF TICK to verify trusted health information.

NHSE used the PIF TICK criteria as the basis of its new Content Standard.

The AOMRC standard aligns with the PIF TICK. This means any PIF TICK-accredited organisation should easily meet the AOMRC standards.

PIF TICK is independently certified and has an easily recognised credibility mark, providing additional confidence to busy healthcare professionals.

Help your patients find trusted information 
Tell them to look for the PIF TICK

PIF TICK has developed a handy, downloadable toolkit with everything you need in one place. It includes the following:

  • Directory of members
  • Resources on spotting false health information
  • A guide to clinical evidence
  • Fact sheet on BMI


Patient Information Forum.  Survey of healthcare professionals. 2022.

WHO. Toolkit for tackling misinformation on noncommunicable disease: forum for tackling misinformation on health and NCDs. 

August 2023. Available at: