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Unanswered Questions

54 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
6 votes
2 answers

Does Kant implicitly commit the paralogism of pure reason when saying that to have a representation it is necessary to accom­pany it with 'I think'?

In Caygill's Kant Dictionary entry of 'I Think' there is this part: Kant further claims that 'I think' is the necessary vehicle/form/accom­paniment of experience: to have a representation it is ...
4 votes
0 answers

How much philosophy is about terminology and human conceptions?

I see a lot of sentences like "If a tree fell and nobody hears it did it really fall", or many questions related to infinity. But each of this questions can be true or false according to ...
4 votes
1 answer

According to Aquinas, what is the relationship between the substantial form of a bodily being and its act of existing, ie. its esse?

Consider, for example, an existing bodily being. Because it is bodily, we know that it is composed of prime matter and substantial form. Also, because the bodily being is existing (not just made up in ...
3 votes
0 answers

Did Descartes declare the "Non Cogito" first, prior to "cogito ergo sum"

I took A-Level Philosophy, during which we studied Descartes "Meditations" at length. I remember our teacher explaining that, whilst "Cogito ergo sum" was the famous phrasing, ...
3 votes
0 answers

Would presentism and vagueness of the present imply that every event has borderline existence?

Would presentism and the vagueness of the present imply that every event that occurs is in a borderline state of existence? Since vagueness is characterized as having borderline cases. I take ...
3 votes
0 answers

Understanding 'existence' and 'being' in debates about ordinary objects

Quine has brought forward his definition of existence: 'To be is to be the value of a bound variable.' But has also taught us that the sciences ultimately determine what actually exists contrary to ...
3 votes
1 answer

Do nominalists say that unicorns and married bachelors don't exist in the same way?

I'm a philosophy novice that's trying to wrap my head around nominalism. In my current thinking there is a big difference between two categories of things that don't exist: non-actual concepts and ...
2 votes
0 answers

Can ontic vagueness not exist?

As far as I can tell, I am going to buy a book on ontic vagueness to work out what it is, but I'm fairly sure it occurs when a vague term refers to something that itself is indeterminate, which may be ...
2 votes
1 answer

What is the origin of the idea of `set of everything`?

Recently I have come to an idea. It is not hard to come to so it should have been talked about by others before. But after some digging in Wikiepedia it soon become out of my reach with zero ...
2 votes
1 answer

Is there a philosophical concept that describes the notion that all permutations of human experience must exist simultaneously?

It's the idea that, basically, if we each have our own paths to walk, so to speak, and if they are all unique to each individual person, then that must mean every possible permutation of a "life&...
2 votes
0 answers

Techniques of overcoming ennui (boredom)

Did any philosophers discuss overcoming ennui/boredom? I read this question and its answer, but I am less interested in a definition of boredom and more interested in direct approaches or theories ...
2 votes
2 answers

Is a void where the laws of physics hold actually a void?

I don't have much background in Cosmology, but an argument I've heard is that the universe sprang into existence from the void via a quantum fluctuation. That is both spacetime & its matter/energy ...
2 votes
1 answer

What are some examples of things that are ontologically parasitic

To be ontologically parasitic, a thing must exist only in reference to another thing. For example, in the excellent video "How Many Holes Does a Human Have?", holes are identified as ontologically ...
1 vote
0 answers

Can, "Intuitions without concepts are blind," be explained in terms of sentences featuring indexicals?

I.e., imagine an assertion like, "This is that." Taken per se, it is like "thoughts without content [that] are empty," but taken de re, is it blind? If I point at some "this&...
1 vote
1 answer

Are "finding the pain of existence unbearable" and "deciding that life is not worth living" the same?

I have tried to present my views regarding these two seemingly related phenomena. (a) Thinking that Life is not worth living When one "thinks" that life is not worth living, that is a ...

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