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For questions about ethics, a branch of philosophy dealing with morality, justice, virtue, vice, good and evil.

1 vote

Why are philosophers so unrespected and have so little influence

Political philosophy didn't get beyond Marx; Wittgenstein shifted the philosophy of science into clarifying nonsense; existentialism seems to have ended with 'embodiment'; aesthetics and ethics (perhaps …
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2 votes

Would it be moral for Danish resitance in WW2 to kill collaborators?

As strange as it sounds When enemy territory has been subjected to belligerent occupation, the inhabitants of that area have a duty not to commit acts which would jeopardize the security of the occup …
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4 votes
3 answers

Are all morals grounded in the family structure?

How important is family? Family comes first is an old maxim, if a parochial one. No-one is asking anyone to sacrifice their children by limiting that, but I wonder whether our moral duties only really …
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3 votes
3 answers

What is the relation between a right/wrong action and a "reasonable"/"unreasonable" one?

What is the relation between a right/wrong action and a "reasonable"/"unreasonable" one? The natural law sep article equates the two, or seems to, perhaps even so far as saying that everything (every …
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0 answers

Is Nietzsche's last man authentically envious?

Is the last man an authentically envious person (or state of mind), devising ways to steal what others will have, their happiness, and what they would be jealous of if it came to pass? I think it make …
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0 answers

Are Wittgenstein's aesthetic and ethical claims during the Tractatus period meant to be desc...

Are Wittgenstein's aesthetic and ethical claims during the Tractatus period meant to be descriptive or prescriptive? I read it, followed the argument and forgot most of it, but I can recall that aesth …
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0 votes

Arguments against "The good life is a happy one"?

Materialists (I'm thinking of Horkheimer, whom I have read very little of) do not think that happiness and the objects of desire are virtues, only that it is a fact that some people have virtue (such …
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-1 votes

AI and ethics, how far can we go?

Now, anyone can seem reasonbaly intelligent, perhaps even when defending very stupid claims. Whether or not that a good thing may depend on what you think of populism, human nature, and maybe even phi …
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0 answers

What moral philosophers would say it is ever permitted to dehumanize others?

What moral philosophers would say it is ever permitted to dehumanize others? Obviously, I haven't defined 'dehumanize', but that may not suffice to make the question unanswerable. I ask becasue I thin …
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0 votes

What is the link with nihilism and hypocrisy?

I think it's pretty simple: the herd animal is a hypocrite becasue they claim to have values that individuate them, but they are the same as everyone else. The great and dreadful storm that will smas …
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1 vote
4 answers

Do general "oughts" imply "cans"?

Does "ought" generally imply "can"? Suppose someone ought to change the flickering lightbulb. Does that mean someone can? Does it mean that someone who "ought to" can? What about more obviously ethica …
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-1 votes

Can moral theories be "elegant" or beautiful or sublime?

Ethics also applies to Antigone's adherence to the Real of her desire rather than slavishly following Creon's law. …
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0 votes

How to avoid nihilism as an agnostic?

This is how I think of religions' marriage to ethics Religions say morality is always in our individual interests (as a kind of principle, God's wrath aside), and that may not be the case for agnostics … I doubt it, and anyway you may be able to think more clearly about ethics, without religion; some anti theist metaphysical or epistemological positions occur in meta-ethics and imply nihilism, and these …
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Can this argument for particularism be applied to egoism? how can we hold on to moral principles in the face of the seeming impossibility to formulate a moral principle which is inv …
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0 votes

Is there a version of Trolley problem without the actual result being known?

I was recently reading about intention without knowledge, especially with respect to what I think would be called experimental philosophy, asking people untrained in philosophy whether, if a basketbal …
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