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We can concieve a God who can create the Universe with no or little evil in it. Since such a God would be greater ifgreat, if that God exists in both mind and reality, therefore such a God indeed exists in relaity, and is greater than the God of this current Universe.

But we don't have less evil Universe. We have the Universe where comparatively more suffering exists. So this argument cannot establish a maximally good God, because maxiamlly good God would have created a better Universe. So here problem of evil seems to disprove ontological argument. Is this argument acknowledged and are there any criticisms to it?

We can concieve a God who can create the Universe with no or little evil in it. Since such a God would be greater if, God exists in both mind and reality, such a God indeed exists in relaity.

But evil exists. So this argument cannot establish a maximally good God. So here problem of evil seems to disprove ontological argument. Is this argument acknowledged and are there any criticisms to it?

We can concieve a God who can create the Universe with no or little evil in it. Since such a God would be great, if that God exists in both mind and reality, therefore such a God indeed exists in relaity, and is greater than the God of this current Universe.

But we don't have less evil Universe. We have the Universe where comparatively more suffering exists. So this argument cannot establish a maximally good God, because maxiamlly good God would have created a better Universe. So here problem of evil seems to disprove ontological argument. Is this argument acknowledged and are there any criticisms to it?

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There have been, since many variants of ontological argumenargumentsts, but they all have one common idea, that the God is the greatest entity that can be conceived.

First we have the current world with free will, which itself many people do not agree is actually present, nevertheless for argument sake let's assume this universe of ours has free will, but is also filled with human and animal suffering. In our universe we have free will not total freedom. Many people keep confusing free will with freedom. Free will is the property of innermost core of one's mind. A paralysed guy has the same amount of free will which a rich healthy person has. A human being is only free to make choices, can also think if mentally healthy and move his or her body if physically healthy. That's all freewill can dothere is to free will. It says nothing about the laws of Universe, of cancer and other diseases, of natural disasters etc. A human can control only his mind and body which he has been given at birth. He doesn't have any control over external laws and instead is subject to them, so it is therefore possible to retain all the elements of freewill, that is control over mind and body at best but change the external laws to create a better Universe.

There have been, since many variants of ontological arguments, but they all have one common idea, that the God is the greatest entity that can be conceived.

First we have the current world with free will, which itself many people do not agree is actually present, nevertheless for argument sake let's assume this universe of ours has free will, but is also filled with human and animal suffering. In our universe we have free will not total freedom. A human being is only free to think and move his or her body. That's all freewill can do. A human can control only his mind and body which he has been given at birth. He doesn't have any control over external laws and is subject to them, so it is therefore possible to retain all the elements of freewill, that is control over mind and body but change the external laws to create a better Universe.

There have been, since many variants of ontological arguments, but they all have one common idea, that the God is the greatest entity that can be conceived.

First we have the current world with free will, which itself many people do not agree is actually present, nevertheless for argument sake let's assume this universe of ours has free will, but is also filled with human and animal suffering. In our universe we have free will not total freedom. Many people keep confusing free will with freedom. Free will is the property of innermost core of one's mind. A paralysed guy has the same amount of free will which a rich healthy person has. A human being is only free to make choices, can also think if mentally healthy and move his or her body if physically healthy. That's all there is to free will. It says nothing about the laws of Universe, of cancer and other diseases, of natural disasters etc. A human can control only his mind and body which he has been given at birth. He doesn't have any control over external laws and instead is subject to them, so it is therefore possible to retain all the elements of freewill, that is control over mind and body at best but change the external laws to create a better Universe.

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There have been, since many variants of ontological argumentsmany variants of ontological arguments, but they all have one common idea, that the God is the greatest entity that can be conceived.

There have been, since many variants of ontological arguments, but they all have one common idea, that the God is the greatest entity that can be conceived.

There have been, since many variants of ontological arguments, but they all have one common idea, that the God is the greatest entity that can be conceived.

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