Transforming Healthcare

The Peterson Center on Healthcare accelerates the adoption of innovative solutions that improve quality and lower cost on a national scale.

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Evaluating Digital Health Technologies

Evaluating Digital Health Technologies

The Peterson Health Technology Institute provides independent evaluations of innovative healthcare technologies to improve health and lower costs.

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Addressing Unsustainable Healthcare Costs

Addressing Unsustainable Healthcare Costs

We are supporting efforts to set and track healthcare spending targets at the state level.

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Building Evidence for Action

Building Evidence for Action

To improve healthcare quality in the U.S., we must first understand how our system is performing.

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Addressing Shortages and High Prices of Life-Saving Medications

Addressing Shortages and High Prices of Life-Saving Medications

To address risks posed to patients from chronic shortages and rising prices of life-saving generics, we support Civica Rx, a not-for-profit generic drug company.

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View Latest News and Opinions

Healthcare Challenges

The U.S. healthcare system is the most expensive in the world, and our costs are projected to grow dramatically in the coming years. Yet, our health outcomes are worse than many other nations. Ineffective care puts our population through unnecessary treatments, leaves us in poorer health, and shortens our life expectancy. The high cost of healthcare makes everything in our economy more expensive, and reduces the resources that individual families and the nation have to invest in our collective future.

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Strategies for Change

The Peterson Center on Healthcare is dedicated to transforming U.S. healthcare into a high-performance system by improving quality and lowering cost. Our programs are designed to accelerate improvement by:

  1. Finding and validating innovative solutions,
  2. Facilitating their broad adoption, and
  3. Fostering the conditions to improve healthcare nationally.

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Our Initiatives

The Peterson Center on Healthcare collaborates with key thought leaders and stakeholders across the healthcare system, including health providers, consumer advocacy groups, health insurance plans, and major purchasers such as employers, states, and unions. Our grant-making, partnerships, and research are focused on scaling innovative solutions that improve quality and lower costs on a national scale.

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About Us

The Peterson Center on Healthcare is a non-profit organization dedicated to making higher quality, more affordable healthcare a reality for all Americans. The organization is working to transform U.S. healthcare into a high-performance system by finding innovative solutions that improve quality and lower costs, and accelerating their adoption on a national scale. Established by the Peter G. Peterson Foundation, the Center collaborates with stakeholders across the healthcare system and engages in grant-making, partnerships, and research.

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NEWS AND VIEWS From the Field