EDI at U of T 

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Our values as an institution

The University has a longstanding and fundamental commitment to promoting EDI and emphasizes a working and learning environment for everyone. We recognize that a diverse campus and a culture of inclusive excellence are essential parts of the foundation of our institution. From creating pathways for under-represented students to offering anti-racism and bias training for the U of T community, advancing EDI as a shared responsibility is an ongoing process.

Our equity offices support staff, faculty, librarians and students with consultation services, resolution of concerns, as well as training and education. The offices support the campus community in advancing equity from dialogue to action. We strive to embed equity into all our practices and processes.

Equity Policies

We work to ensure all of our workplace policies are inclusive and reflect our commitment to equity and diversity. To learn more, please visit our Policies & Guidelines page.

Visit the HR Service Centre for Guidelines regarding Accommodation for Employees with Disabilities.


Thank you for your patience while we add new EDI resources to this page. In the meantime, please find some of our recent materials:

Inclusive Employer Guides

Becoming familiar with our community’s religious and cultural observances is an important part of promoting equity, diversity, and inclusion and ensuring employees feel supported. The Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture creates Inclusive Employer Guides to help managers familiarize themselves with the meanings and traditions that many in our community celebrate. We encourage everyone to update their scheduling tools annually to reflect these dates. A collection of Inclusive Employer Guides can be found on the new Dates of Recognition, Observance & Celebration webpage.

Additional dates of religious observances may be found in the Multi-Faith Centre’s list of religious and cultural days. 

Your Journey: A Career Guide for Trans and Nonbinary Students

The guide by the Sexual and Gender Diversity Office and Career Exploration & Education is designed to support you in applying for jobs by showing you how to leverage available resources and make decisions that work for you and your career.
Read Your Journey

Materials for Accessible Communication

Accessibility requirements refer to the navigation, design, and coding considerations that help visitors using different types of web-enabled devices and visitors with disabilities engage with communications channels such as websites, email, PDFs and more.
Browse accessibility resources

Equity Offices

Our Equity Offices provide specialized support and programming to the U of T community on various issues related to EDI.
Connect with our Equity Offices