The University’s Response to COVID-19

Divisional COVID-19 Materials

We want to acknowledge and recognize the outstanding work and dedication of our faculty, librarians, and staff as we undertake an institutional response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

If you have broader questions relating to COVID-19 and the University’s planning, we encourage you to visit the University’s UTogether website.

COVID-19 Resources

COVID-19 Wellness and Working from Home Toolkit

As part our commitment to well-being while working from home during COVID-19, we’ve curated a number of resources and strategies for supporting individuals, managers and teams.

Access the Wellness Toolkit

COVID-19 Leadership Toolkit

This toolkit is designed to provide University of Toronto leaders, managers, and supervisors with the information they need to navigate the COVID-19 pandemic.

Access the Leadership Toolkit on the HRSC

Alternative Work Arrangements

Alternative Work Arrangements provide a formal request process for staff in roles conducive to remote work, hybrid-remote work, or differentiation in work hours on a weekly basis.

Learn more on the HRSC

If You Are Sick or in Self-Isolation

If you have COVID-19 related symptoms or have tested positive for COVID-19, please refer to the Health & Safety FAQs on the UTogether website.

illustration of two doctors


Managing Employees

Giving managers the resources they need to help their employees.

Leading remotely

COVID-19 Policies, Guidelines, and Resources

Continuing our research, academic initiatives, and other core activities.

Understanding our framework

Wellness, Equity, and Accommodation

Supporting an intentionally inclusive community.

Including the entire community