Couple Used Winnings from Milwaukee Brewers Raffle on IVF — and Will Bring Newborn to Opening Day

Erin and Cassie Murphy plan to bring their son, Foster, to the Milwaukee Brewers' home opener on March 30

erin murphy, cassie murphy
Photo: Poppy + Olive

Starting a family was always a dream for Erin and Cassie Murphy. Now, they've hit a home run.

The Wisconsin couple told NBC affiliate WTMJ that after struggling with infertility for a year and a half, they decided to try in vitro fertilization (IVF) — and it proved difficult in more ways than one.

"It's quite expensive and emotional, I would say," Cassie told the outlet, adding that they also experienced a miscarriage.

In all, Erin and Cassie said they spent over $20,000 on their first 18 months of treatment.

"If people want to grow their families, they should be able to have the resources to do that," Erin said to WTMJ about the expensive cost of IVF.

Despite the financial commitment, the couple remained optimistic and continued to enjoy their life together. For them, that meant attending a Brewers game last April, enjoying a beer, and buying $20 worth of raffle tickets.

To their amazement, they won the raffle — an unexpected stroke of luck that would change their lives forever.

"I was chatting with the people sitting next to us, and they were announcing the numbers, and Erin was like, 'Oh my God, I think we won,'" Cassie recalled to USA Today.

She added: "She hands me the tickets, I'm looking at the ticket, screen, and I just screamed. Erin was like, 'Be quiet!' — This is the New Englander in her — 'Be quiet; someone's going to (steal) our tickets!' "

erin murphy, cassie murphy
Katie Fromstein

The $18,470 they won was nearly the amount they needed to fund another round of IVF.

"When we did find out that we won that night, we ran up to the Brewers' foundation desk, and there was three women behind the counter, and we told them, and everybody started crying," Cassie and Erin told WTMJ of the excitement.

They added: "It was like almost to the dollar amount we needed to do another round."

About 60 days later, Erin was pregnant.

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Now, their son Foster — nicknamed "Fozi" — is joining his moms in their Brewers fandom.

The family plans to attend the Brewers home opener on April 3.

"The Brewers have a bit more meaning to us," they explained to WTMJ, "than just baseball."

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