Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez Join in on #IStayHomeFor Challenge to Curb Coronavirus Spread

"We're staying home to protect those on the frontlines," Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez said in a video posted to Instagram

Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez are the latest celebrities to join in on the viral #IStayHomeFor social media challenge to curb the spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19).

The superstar, 50, and former MLB player, 44, were prompted to participate by New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, who tagged them on Instagram on Wednesday asking who they are staying home for amid the global health crisis after first sharing that he’s staying home to protect his mother, Matilda, himself.

In response, the engaged couple shared the same video to each of their Instagram accounts, which starts off with Lopez saying, “Hey everyone. We want you to please stay home to stop the spread of COVID-19. We’re staying home to protect those on the frontlines — the doctors, the nurses and technicians that are working so hard to save lives at our hospitals.”

Before the clip ends, Rodriguez adds that they are tagging The Tonight Show’s Jimmy Fallon to join in on the challenge next to “help #StoptheSpread.”

Jennifer Lopez
Jennifer Lopez/ Twitter

In their individual captions for the video, Lopez and Rodriguez shared similar messages.

“Hi everyone,” Lopez wrote. “The best way to stop the spread of COVID-19 is to stay home. @Arod and #IStayHomeFor those on the front lines – the doctors, nurses and technicians that are working so hard to keep everyone safe. Thank you @NYGovCuomo for tagging us.”

Rodriguez, meanwhile, wrote, “Hi everyone. Jen and I want you to stay home to stop the spread of Covid-19. We are doing this to protect the real heroes, the doctors, nurses, technicians, who are working so hard everyday to save lives and keep everyone safe.”

Last month, Footloose actor Kevin Bacon kicked off the challenge on social media.

“Hi, folks. You know me, right? I’m technically only six degrees away from you,” he said in a video posted to Instagram, referencing the popular game “Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon,” which he coopted to create his charity, Six Degrees.

“Right now, like people around the world, I’m staying home, because it saves lives and it is the only way we’re going to slow down the spread of this coronavirus,” Bacon, 61, continued. “Because the contact that you make with someone, who makes contact with someone else, that may be what makes somebody’s mom or grandpa or wife sick.”

Bacon continued, telling his followers that “every one of us has someone who is worth staying home for,” adding that he is socially distancing to keep his wife, Kyra Sedgwick, 54, safe.

“I am staying home for Kyra Sedgwick,” he said while pulling out a sign that read “#IStayHomeFor Kyra Sedgwick.”

He then encouraged his followers to do the same, asking them to share a photo or a video with the hashtag explaining who they are staying home for and to tag six of their friends to follow suit.

“While you’re staying home, you need to post a video or a sign like this one saying who you’re going to stay home for and you tag six friends so they do the same. And since we’re all connected by various degrees, trust me, I know, we can work together to stay home and keep each other safe and spread the word,” he said.

Since then, stars like Demi Lovato, David Beckham and Elton John have joined in on the challenge.

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In addition to participating in the #IStayHomeFor challenge, Lopez and Rodriguez have been making waves on TikTok (many fans recall their viral “Flip the Switch” challenge) while social distancing at home. During an appearance on the new at-home edition of The Ellen DeGeneres Show on Tuesday, DeGeneres, 62, suggested they take their wedding day to the platform.

“Do a TikTok wedding?” Lopez said with a laugh. “Something to think about. We can’t make any commitments right now.”

While Lopez admitted on the show that the pandemic did affect her and Rodriguez’s wedding plans “a little bit,” she said being forced to stay at home has been like “making lemonade out of lemons.”

“The whole family is here, we are all shut down for a few weeks now,” Lopez told DeGeneres, sharing that she’s socially distancing with Rodriguez and his daughters, Natasha, 15, and Ella, 11, and her 12-year-old twins, Emme and Max.

“I have to say, I’ve been so on the run for the past few years that it’s nice to be home” she added. “I had planned to take a little bit of time off after the whole Super Bowl thing and World of Dance that I just finished filming a few weeks ago, so it’s been nice so far.”

As information about the coronavirus pandemic rapidly changes, PEOPLE is committed to providing the most recent data in our coverage. Some of the information in this story may have changed after publication. For the latest on COVID-19, readers are encouraged to use online resources from CDC, WHO, and local public health departments. To help provide doctors and nurses on the front lines with life-saving medical resources, donate to Direct Relief here.

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