Donald Trump Made Sexist, Lewd Comments to Female Contestants and Crew on 'The Apprentice' : Report

Over 20 female contestants and crew members on The Apprentice say that Donald Trump would make sexist, lewd comments during the show's run

Photo: Jonathan Bachman/Getty Images

Donald Trump made lewd, sexist remarks to the female contestants and crew on The Apprentice during his years as the boss, according to a new report.

The current Republican presidential candidate would allegedly rate female contestants by the size of their breasts and his own desire to sleep with them, the Associated Press learned after talking to over 20 former contestants, crew members and editors from the show.

One former crew member who spoke anonymously said that Trump would ask male contestants if they would sleep with the female contestants during filming.

“We were in the boardroom one time figuring out who to blame for the task, and he just stopped in the middle and pointed to someone and said, ‘You’d f— her, wouldn’t you? I’d f— her. C’mon, wouldn’t you?’ ” they recall.

“Everyone is trying to make him stop talking, and the woman is shrinking in her seat,” the crew member said.

Randal Pinkett, who won season four of The Apprentice in Dec. 2005, said that Trump would talk about which contestants he would sleep with even after he married Melania earlier that year.

“He was like ‘Isn’t she hot, check her out,’ kind of gawking, something to the effect of ‘I’d like to hit that.’ ”

The sexual attraction of the women on the show was a constant source of discussion for Trump, who would speculate about which woman would be “a tiger in bed,” said former producer Katherine Walker.

The anonymous crew member added: “If there was a break in the conversation, he would then look at one of the female cast members, saying ‘you’re looking kind of hot today, I love that dress on you,’ then he would turn to one of the male cast members and say ‘wouldn’t you sleep with her?’ and then everyone would laugh.”

Gene Folkes, a contestant during season 10 in 2010, said Trump would badger the men to comment on the women, even if they didn’t want to get involved.

“If you didn’t answer, he would dig in and say, ‘Do you think so and so is attractive? Would you sleep with her? Well, what about if you really had to, would you?’ ” Folkes said. “It was so bizarre, because he [otherwise] seemed so professional.”

Others interviewed disagreed, saying that they had only positive interactions with Trump.

“He was extremely supportive. You could tell there was so much respect there on all sides, especially with the female athletes,” said contestant and two-time Olympic softball player Jennie Finch. “Obviously, he was complimentary, but never in an inappropriate way.”

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Trump’s campaign sent a general denial in statement to the AP, and spokewoman Hope Hicks refused to answer questions.

“These outlandish, unsubstantiated, and totally false claims fabricated by publicity hungry, opportunistic, disgruntled former employees, have no merit whatsoever,” Hicks said. “The Apprentice was one of the most successful prime-time television shows of all time and employed hundreds of people over many years, many of whom support Mr. Trump’s candidacy.”

The report comes after a week in which Trump repeatedly came under fire for his history of making body shaming comments, spurred by his remarks about former Miss Universe Alicia Machado, whom Trump once called “Miss Piggy” and an “eating machine.”

Tyana Alvarado, another contestant from season 10 who was nicknamed “Miss Cougar California” on the show, said that she wouldn’t be offended when Trump would comment on her looks, but said that he got away with things others wouldn’t.

“Most men have to behave because they are in a workplace, but he could do what he wanted,” Alvarado said. “In all jobs, people have to sign sexual harassment paperwork, but Mr. Trump was putting on a TV show so he got to do it.”

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