Exclusive: Sources: General Flynn ‘Wept’ As He Asked FBI to Spare Mike Flynn Jr

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Exclusive: Retired Lt. Gen. Flynn broke down and sobbed, sources familiar with the matter said, when faced with the extent of the signals intelligence, or SIGINT, against himself and Mike Flynn Jr. Senior law enforcement officials presented Donald Trump’s former National Security adviser, already indicted at the time for failure to register as a foreign agent of Turkey, with irrefutable evidence of espionage committed on behalf of the Russian state by both himself and his son and business partner, Mike Flynn Jr. Espionage is a capital crime.

Separate sources with links to the intelligence community and the Justice Department report that a deal for leniency for his son offered to General Flynn, on which we exclusively reported earlier this year, may have been derailed by Mike Flynn Jr’s compulsive tweeting of divisive, pro-Kremlin propaganda.

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As NBC news reports that Mueller is about to bring charges against both Mike Flynn and his son, we review our exclusive reporting on both Flynn and his son and the indictments that may be unsealed shortly.

In May, we broke the news that General Flynn had ‘flipped’, or had gone in to speak to the FBI. At that time, Mike Flynn was under indictment for failing to register as a foreign agent for Turkey under FARA, the Foreign Agents’ Registration Act.

General Flynn, sources reported, was arrogant and unconcerned. The charge of failing to register under FARA might only result in a term-limited prison sentence. Flynn had resigned as NSA and believed himself present in the FBI’s offices to discuss the terms of a deal on this charge.

Sources said that General Flynn did indeed discuss this offense, which was admitted, with FBI agents. However, they reported that after a brief period, a senior official entered the room and confronted General Flynn with knowledge of his wider conspiracy in Russia’s interference in the election. An outline of a case for espionage, a capital crime, where the default penalty is death, was made to Flynn senior, involving both himself and his son Mike Flynn Jr. While sources were not specific, they reported that the conversation involved both men’s knowing propagation, and co-ordination, with the Kremlin, of Russian propaganda, using an Artificial Intelligence ‘data weapon’ precisely to target that propaganda on social media. This technology and the way it was employed is also said to feature in an espionage investigation that is ongoing against Bob Mercer, sources say.

We exclusively reported these crimes in our story ‘Mike Flynn’s Treason Tour‘,  which describes how Flynn and his son assisted Vladimir Putin in targeting Russian propaganda not only in the United States, but also right across Europe.

Sources stated that senior officials told General Flynn that they had what they needed to prosecute him and his son, and that they would seek the death penalty. Separate sources reported that General Flynn broke down and wept, asking that the death penalty for espionage not be sought for his son.

Sources with links to law enforcement and the justice department stated that at first, senior officials declined to offer a deal of any sort. Later, they became amenable, these sources said. General Flynn was offered a stark choice; co-operate and spare your son execution, but no such promise was made as regards his own trial.

Mr. Flynn did then co-operate, sources said.

Mike Flynn Jr. angrily denied to this reporter the accounts given her by multiple separate sources, on separate occasions, of what his father had done for him, and in such a way that led her to believe that Flynn Jr. did not know. If correct, this would necessarily mean that the FBI had not allowed General Flynn to discuss his knowledge of the charges against father and son with his co-conspirator.

Despite this, General Flynn was required to put a brake on Mike Flynn Jr.’s divisive propaganda on Twitter, sources said. The younger Flynn was, however, so addicted to tweeting hate-ridden Russian messaging, these sources said, that the Special Counsel’s office decided at one point that the deal had been violated. It was after Flynn Sr. was informed of that decision that he began to fund-raise for his defense, sources said.

Anything General Flynn would have admitted prior to this would still be admissible at trial, sources reported. At time of writing, I do not know whether or not the Special Counsel’s team had a change of heart over honoring their deal for leniency for the younger Flynn following further information received from Mike Flynn Senior.

Note: New charges do not necessarily mean new indictments, but they can do.

A ‘charge’ is only leveled when an indictment is made public. Therefore, charges may be new for indictments that have been returned by a Grand Jury many months prior. Mr. Mueller may choose to indict General Flynn on some, but not all, of the possible charges against him, as he did with Paul Manafort.

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