EXCLUSIVE: Sheriff Clarke ‘Attacked Black Lives Matter on Putin’s Orders’

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Sources with links to the intelligence community report that there is SIGINT, or Signals Intelligence, on the Sheriff Clarke’s collusion with Russia, held by a Five Eyes nation. Sheriff Clarke withdrew his name for consideration for a position in the Department of Homeland Security.

White House sources report that contrary to some online reaction from commentators assuming the mendacious Clarke had invented the whole thing, Clarke was indeed being considered for this position, despite his problems with law enforcement. However, sources say that when Clarke’s application for security clearance was presented there was ‘laughter’. ‘He was told he would never get a security clearance in a million years,’ one source said, speaking on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the matter.

Sources with links to the intelligence communities of two separate Five Eyes intelligence partners have confirmed that one specific barrier to Clarke getting a security clearance is SIGINT of his communications in Moscow with individuals linked to Oleg Deripaska and Vladimir Putin. This intelligence concerns their instructions to Clarke to go back to America and foment dissent and attacks on the peaceful ‘Black Lives Matter’ protest movement.

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Attacking ‘Black Lives Matter’, a just and peaceable movement protesting racism in the police and unnecessary killings of African-Americans was a target of disruption by paid Russian trolls such as Cassandra Fairbanks, a Russian agent of influence working for Sputnik, and Anthime Gionnet, another Russian agent of influence working for both Trump and Putin. Both Russian agents of influence pretended to be for Bernie Sanders and in favor of Black Lives Matter and its just cause before switching overtly to Trump. But they did it – on Russia’s instructions –  in a hate-filled way, trying to smear Black Lives Matter as opposed to the lives and safety of police officers. Here are some examples of a typical Oleg Deripaska / Erik Prince psyop, according to my sources:

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Clarke’s instructions from Deripaska and Putin – Deripaska is a key lieutenant of Mr. Putin’s, posting pictures from his instagram account of the two men together – were not, however, to pretend to be an ally of the social justice movement. Instead,  he was designated to lead the charge against them and stir up social division.



blm.jpegI had to attend the GOP Convention in Cleveland as part of my prior job editing Heat Street, and witnessed such racism and misogyny that I wound up apologizing in person (and in tears) to two BLM protestors who braved the crowd streaming towards the convention center. Inside I was unfortunate enough to witness Sheriff Clarke give a speech, which wound up with him leading a chant of ‘All Lives Matter’ after attacking the Black Lives Matter movement. Free speech is an important part of US democracy, and Clarke was not obliged to accept or to approve of ‘Black Lives Matter’. But sadly for him and for Donald Trump and Steve Bannon, sources report there is solid signals intelligence on Clarke and Deripaska/Putin with instructions to attack Black Lives Matter.

Clarke’s many previous defiant stances against the law include unlawful immigration actions. A prisoner died of thirst in his jail. Sources have not yet reported whether or not a murder investigation has been opened against Clarke, but if I receive such a report, I will update this story.

I should repeat the “warning” I received from a wholly different source over my reporting on Mr. Deripaska which I perceive to be a death threat; I first reported this yesterday on my story on the 18 year old woman Miranda Crowley and the Carolina Conspiracy, in which, sources alleged, Mr. Deripaska had a hand. I regard this warning as a death threat and am reporting it to the FBI. I will continue to report on Vladimir Putin’s attack on the United States at patribotics, without fear or favor.

“NSA friend is yet again worried about your safety because of the Deripaska stories. They said to be VERY careful and they assume you know the risks, but Deripaska is unlikely to go to jail once all is said and done, so if you ruin business for him bc of your revelations, then you and family may become his targets. They said to be extremely careful just for this reason. your info is correct of course, but they’re worried about your safety.”


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