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6 holiday rental add-ons travellers are prepared to pay more for

Providing the option of add-ons for travellers not only boosts revenue but can lead to happier, more satisfied guests


  • Breakfast is the most popular add-on
  • Travellers will happily pay extra for tours and activities that they can take part in
  • If you don’t have spa facilities or provide a shuttle service to the airport, guests will appreciate recommendations for such services
6 vacation rental add-ons travellers are prepared to pay more for

Upselling your holiday rental property is a great way to increase revenue. Offering add-ons not only increases income in the short-term but makes for a more enjoyable stay for your guests - meaning better reviews and more repeat business. Our 2023 Travel Trends survey* covered 42,513 respondents across 33 markets and uncovered the additional services they would be willing to pay extra for to enhance their stay. 

Here are six to take inspiration from. 

Half of travellers are willing to pay extra for breakfast

Precisely half (50%) of the global travellers surveyed said they would be prepared to pay extra for breakfast at an accommodation. In fact, across all markets globally, breakfast is the top service that guests are willing to pay extra for. 

It comes down to knowing your guests – some who might be rushing to see the sights or attend meetings versus those who prefer a more leisurely start to the day - and knowing your strengths. Does offering coffee, croissants and fresh fruit suit you? Or are you more comfortable whisking up a hot breakfast banquet? It’s very much host dependent. 

If you don’t offer breakfast, guests will appreciate recommendations. So, consider providing a handy list of the best breakfast places in town. 

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Tours and activities are appealing

A third (32%) of travellers would gladly pay extra for tours and activities. Latin American travellers in particular liked this as an add-on, with 43% saying they appreciated hosts putting on activities that they could take part in.

A whole host of equipment from bicycles and tennis rackets, to kayaks and surfboards, can be rented out to sporty guests. Perhaps you’re familiar with the best hiking trails or offer guided city walks. If you have the skills and time - whether it’s cooking classes or yoga sessions - to offer activities to your guests, let them know.

Partnering with local guides and businesses who organise tours and activities is another great way to easily increase your income, keep things sustainable and local, and increase guest satisfaction. 

Spa services are extra special

Over a quarter (28%) of global guests are willing to pay extra for some relaxation therapy. Travellers from South Korea (40%), Colombia (37%) and Japan (35%) were among those who found such services as something worth splashing out more on. 

We understand that not all hosts will have onsite spa facilities. As always, there are ways around this.

Appeal to those who want to let off some steam by giving details on the best local spas. And while you might not offer a full-service spa, consider partnering with local massage therapists, manicurists and beauty therapists who can visit your property to treat your guests to some at-home pampering. 


6 vacation rental add-ons travellers are prepared to pay more for

Showcase your shuttle service

Paying extra to be taken to and from the airport was a desired add-on for 27% of global travellers. If you offer such a shuttle or taxi service, let it be known. Guests from Ireland (38%) and Italy (37%) were among those who most appreciate such a service.

If this isn’t something you offer, then passing on the details of friendly and reliable transport companies shows guests that you’re happy to go the extra mile. Also consider providing information on bus, train and tram times for those happier with public transport.

Provided parking pleases travellers 

A quarter of guests (25%) are willing to pay extra for somewhere nearby and safe to park their cars.

If you happen to have a spare space or two available then let your guests know. Otherwise, cater to your guests by reserving parking spots nearby, pointing them in the direction of safe spaces to park, or giving directions to local car parks. 

Late check-outs (and early check-ins) can raise satisfaction

We aren’t all early birds. 23% of worldwide travellers want to check-out a bit later - and are prepared to pay extra for it. Guests from Australia (37%), Ireland (35%), and New Zealand and Israel (both 34%) in particular said they appreciated an extra hour or two in the morning to relax. 

It’s also worth offering an early check-in. Over a quarter of travellers from Singapore (31%), the US (27%) and Australia (27%) highlighted this as something that they would appreciate if it was available.

Guests really appreciate these thoughtful touches and additional services. Providing such add-ons is not only a guaranteed way to make sure your guest’s experiences are ones to remember but make for repeat business, better reviews and an increase in revenue.

*Research was commissioned by and independently conducted among a sample of adults who had taken a trip in the last 12 months and planned to take a trip in 2023. The sample comprised 42,513 respondents across 33 markets. Respondents completed an online survey in January or February 2023. 


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