A Fresco To Help Wildlife

Saint-Ours Canal National Historic Site

Discover The Hidden Treasures Of The Richelieu River

The Richelieu River is home to an extremely rich aquatic fauna, including over 70 species of freshwater fish from Quebec. Several of them have been designated as species at risk such as the copper redhorse, one of whose rare spawning grounds is located near the Vianney-Legendre fishway at the Saint-Ours Canal. As human activities are having a major impact on the degradation of their habitat, it is of the utmost importance to make visitors aware of the need to protect the river.

Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) regularly organizes awareness-raising and knowledge-sharing activities with other organizations, as well as implementation projects to raise awareness of species at risk, the threats they face and the actions that can be taken to promote species recovery. The Saint-Ours Canal National Historic Site is one of the sites designated to fulfil this mandate.

In the spring of 2024, DFO teamed up with Parks Canada to create a huge fresco mural in the observation area of the Vianney-Legendre fishway. This work represents the underwater ecosystem of the Richelieu River and, in addition to enhancing the value of the Saint-Ours Canal National Historic Site, raises public awareness of the presence of endangered fish species and other species of interest in the Richelieu River. 

Everyone is invited to come and admire this work of art, which reminds us of the richness of our aquatic environments and the importance of protecting them for future generations. Discover the fish species featured and learn more about the human activities that threaten species at risk.

By taking part in this initiative, not only are you helping to preserve local biodiversity, but you are also supporting the collective effort toward a sustainable future. Come and marvel at this artistic fresco showcasing the hidden treasures of the Richelieu River. Together, let’s take action to protect our natural heritage and ensure the survival of endangered species.

This fresco was made possible thanks to a financial contribution from Fisheries and Oceans Canada and the collaboration of Parks Canada. The project meets objective 3.3 of the Saint-Ours Canal National Historic Site Management Plan.

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