Indigenous culture

HMCS Haida National Historic Site

HMCS Haida was named after the Haida Nation on the west coast of Canada. The Haida Nation are the Indigenous peoples who have inhabited Haida Gwaii for time immemorial. Learn more about the Nation’s governance, news and programs on the Haida Nation website


Upon hearing that the RCN was going to name its latest ship HMCS Haida, the Haida Nation undertook to collect donations for the crew. Harry DeWolf, who had taken command of the brand new ship, later sent a letter of thanks on behalf of the crew for this gesture of friendship.

The Flagship of the Royal Canadian Navy Designation

Hereditary Chief of the Haida Nation gifting HMCS Haida a flag of the Council of the Haida Nation.

In 2018, the Haida Nation had its first direct contact with its namesake ship in the ship's 75 year existence. Two hereditary chiefs Chief Stithlda Frank Collison and Chief Gaahlaay Lonnie Young of the Haida Nation, as well as two elected chiefs Chief R. Stacey Laforme of the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation and Chief G. Ava Hill of the Six Nations of the Grand River, were present at the commemoration of HMCS Haida as the ceremonial flagship of the RCN.

A flag of the Haida Nation was gifted and immediately hoisted up the ship’s yardarm with Chief Gaahlaay proclaiming: “Haida, you have made our people and our country proud. Well done Haida, well done!” You can see the flag of the Council of the Haida Nation on the ship’s yardarm during special events.

The Haida Nation's Flag

Xa’adaa 7laa git’lang 7isis – 1981

Originally designed for a dance screen used in his Children of the Good People potlatch (and later adopted as the flag of the Council of the Haida Nation), this design represents Raven and Eagle encircled by children. 

In 1987, G̲uud San Glans Robert Davidson agreed to allow the Council of the Haida Nation to adopt this design for the Nations use as a logo and for the Nation’s flag. The first flag, as representation of the Haida Nation, was raised at the Council of the Haida Nation office in G̲aw Tlagée Old Massett in 2003 by Ernie Collison (CHN Administrator) and Stiihlda Frank Collison.

Learn more about the story of the flag design. 

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