Stewardship and management

Gulf of Georgia Cannery National Historic Site

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Parks Canada’s national system of protected places includes national historic sites, national parks, national marine conservation areas and other federally protected places administered by Parks Canada.

The Gulf of Georgia Cannery Society and Parks Canada


The Gulf of Georgia Cannery National Historic Site is operated by the Gulf of Georgia Cannery Society on behalf of Parks Canada. This unique working relationship began in the mid-1980s. Parks Canada is proud to partner with the Gulf of Georgia Cannery Society to ensure Canadians and international visitors experience and learn about Canada’s heritage places and the stories of Canada’s West Coast fishing history.

Parks Canada and the Gulf of Georgia Cannery Society are your guides in helping you discover this important site, and are partners in helping to protect it. 

Community-based stewardship

In 1976, the Gulf of Georgia Cannery was designated as a National Historic Site of Canada. This designation was the result of the efforts of members of the community of Richmond, British Columbia, who made a recommendation to the Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada. Three years later, the Cannery ceased operating as a fish-processing plant, and the Government of Canada purchased the Gulf of Georgia Cannery property. Negotiations with the Canadian Fishing Company ensued and, in 1984, Parks Canada assumed the title with the understanding it would eventually operate the Cannery as a national historic site.

In 1986, the Gulf of Georgia Cannery Society (the Society) was established and began operating a small information centre and participating with Parks Canada in management planning for the site. By 1994, restoration work was completed and the Society took over visitor operations, allowing the public to visit the Cannery. This particular year was significant as it coincided with the celebration of the centennial of the building (built in 1894).

By 1996, Parks Canada entered into a three-year agreement with the Society for the operation of the Gulf of Georgia Cannery National Historic Site. Subsequent agreements followed this formal arrangement. This important relationship supports community-based stewardship of a nationally significant part of Canada’s cultural heritage.

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