Community Digest

Greatest hits from previous weeks:

How can I encourage my 13 month old to stand?

My 13 month daughter has no interest in standing or even putting weight on her feet. We're concerned if she doesn't start trying to stand she won't start walking. Is there anything I can do to ...

infant standing walking  
user avatar asked by Richard Miskin Score of 12
user avatar answered by SinkovecJ Score of 10

The teacher erased 3 pages of my 5 year old's completed homework

I have a 5-year-old smart child. He does his homework as neat as he can. Yesterday, he stayed up for an hour doing 3 pages of homework as good as he can and today when checking his copy-book, I found ...

pre-schooler homework teacher fine-motor-skills  
user avatar asked by Dina Abdelhamid Score of 153
user avatar answered by Wildcard Score of 160

6 year old won't go to the bathroom by herself anymore, because of being scared. What to do?

My 6 y.o. is what Dr. Becky (if you know her) would call a "deeply feeling child." Every day is either the best or worst day ever, and she usually declares each day as one or the other ...

user avatar asked by NeutronStar Score of 13
user avatar answered by anongoodnurse Score of 26

What can I as a teenager do about my insanely strict parents?

Before I start this, I just want to let everyone know that even though my parents can be completely clueless about parenting at times, I still love them very much, so don't go commenting that I'm "...

teen parents bedtime social-media cellphone  
user avatar asked by Sasha Score of 144
user avatar answered by Erik Score of 233

My one year old son doesn't want to eat. What happened to my son?

When my son was under 11 months old, he ate a lot, but I don't know what changed when he reached 1 year old. It seems like he doesn't like to eat. When we give our son food, sometimes he tries to ...

toddler development food breastfeeding  
user avatar asked by kalingga Score of 10
user avatar answered by GdD Score of 13

When should you worry about a toddler's loss of appetite and weight?

My 2 year-old seems to have lost her appetite in the last 3 to 4 weeks: she eats very little at meal times (couple of mouthfuls) and definitely much less than she used to. She does not seem to be ill, ...

toddler weight  
user avatar asked by Aqua lullaby Score of 10
user avatar answered by Meg Coates Score of 6

Should I punish my teenage sister, whom I have full custody of, for lying to me in order to secretly see her boyfriend?

I'm 24 years old and have full custody of my 16-year-old sister. She has been living with me for the last 3 years. I found out today, from her, that she has been lying to me about spending time with a ...

discipline teen lying dating usa  
user avatar asked by danninta Score of 141
user avatar answered by Michael MacAskill Score of 257
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