detroit lions

Eminem makes rare appearance with kids Hailie Jade, Stevie at Detroit Lions game

Fans went nuts as the "8 Mile" star rallied attendees when his hit song "Lose Yourself" blared throughout the stadium.

Nate Burleson tells Jalen Rose about his NFL days, new morning TV gig

Jalen Rose spoke with retired Vikings and Lions player Nate Burleson about being drafted at the height of a league-wide spending spree — and how the former wide receiver went...

Jared Goff's girlfriend Christen Harper drools over him in Lions gear

The model is digging her quarterback boyfriend's new threads following his move from LA to Detroit.

Jared Goff's girlfriend Christen Harper scores SI Swimsuit shoot

The Lions quarterback gushed how "proud" he is of Harper in an Instagram post.

Christen Harper 'grateful' LA brought her and Jared Goff together

Harper posted a sweet message to Goff on social media.

Kelly Stafford reacts to husband Matthew's trade to Rams

Kelly Stafford is excited about husband Matthew Stafford’s NFL future on the west coast. Following Saturday’s blockbuster trade between the Lions and the Rams — with Detroit sending 32-year-old quarterback...

Matthew Stafford lists Detroit mansion for $6.5M with Lions exit imminent

Stafford is leaving his team, his city and the largest infinity pool in the state of Michigan.

How Danny Amendola is moving on after 'self-sabotaged' Olivia Culpo split

Danny Amendola is moving on.