
Donald Trump jealous of Biden’s ‘glitzy’ NYC fundraiser, reached out to MSG as he plans his own, bigger event ‘for all the people’: sources

Donald Trump
Donald Trump is jealous of Joe Biden’s fundraising haul at Radio City Music Hall last week, says a source.Getty Images

Size matters.

We hear that Donald Trump is jealous over Joe Biden’s sparkly New York City fundraiser — which featured Barack Obama and Bill Clinton, and raised a record breaking $26 million — and is trying to put together his own boffo rally in his hometown, sources say.

 “Trump is planning several big fundraisers to compete with Biden’s Radio City big-buck haul,” said one insider, alleging that Trump was left envious of the funds and attention.

Biden’s event also featured appearances by a number of Hollywood, Broadway and TV stars, including Mindy Kaling, Cynthia Erivo and Stephen Colbert.

Bide raised a record $26 million at a celebrity-filled fundraiser at Radio City Music Hall in NYC last week. Getty Images

But Trump spokesperson Steven Cheung called it all “a glitzy fundraiser in the city with their elitist, out-of-touch celebrity benefactors,” according to Fox News Digital. 

Our source huffed, “Trump wants his fundraiser in NYC to be for ‘all the people,’ not just the richest ones.”

Trump is lagging far behind Biden in campaign funds. Getty Images

Our source said of the GOP candidate’s plans: “He wants it to be available to all levels of people not just $100,000 donors. Madison Square Garden or Yankee Stadium, and similar arenas, have been mentioned [as venues]. This would allow there to be tickets as low as $100, and as high as $500,000, and even a $1 million ticket to outdo Biden.”

Page Six confirmed with multiple sources that Trump’s team had reached out to Madison Square Garden about a potential event, but has not booked it.

A rep for the arena told us, “We do not have any events scheduled with the Trump organization at this time.”

We hear he wants his own NYC event at either Madison Square Garden or Yankee Stadium. Getty Images
Biden is ahead in campaign funds. REUTERS

(While there were big dollar tickets for Biden’s event, his campaign also set aside seats for smaller donors at $250.)

Another source told us Trump’s top campaign people “really believe that New York may be in play for him,” in the election, despite the state consistently going to Democrats.

Biden is reportedly way ahead of Trump in the fundraising game: His campaign said it had $155 million at the end of last month, compared to Trump’s $42 million.

“Trump knows he needs money,” says a source. But “wallets are starting to open up.”

Sources say a potential NYC fundraising event could have tickets as low as $100. Getty Images

And while Trump — who is combating a slew of legal issues — may slam Biden’s mega donors, he is relying on some of his own.

Billionaire John Paulson is hosting an event for Trump on Saturday in Palm Beach.

Insiders say that “wallets are opening” for the former president. Getty Images

The invite list includes hedge fund billionaire Robert Mercer and his daughter Rebekah Mercer, Jets owner Woody Johnson, sugar baron Pepe Fanjul, oil and gas billionaire Harold Hamm, casino billionaires Steve Wynn and Phil Ruffin, and Trump’s former Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross.

The event is aiming to raise $33 million, and we hear that Trump also has plans for an exclusive Hamptons fundraiser, too.

Biden had a number of Hollywood stars at his Radio City date. Getty Images

“The RNC and campaign do not expect to have as much money as Biden and the Democrats, who not only didn’t have a primary to spend on but who are bankrolled by Hollywood and Silicon Valley elites, but we will have an ample amount to run an effective and winning campaign,” a Trump campaign rep previously told The Post.

The rep also said: “Donald Trump is a ratings and clicks juggernaut so we have an ability to make use of earned media in a way that Biden cannot.”