
Coco Austin calls 5-year-old daughter a ‘boob freak’ amid breastfeeding backlash

That’s a Rick James parody we’d listen to.

Coco Austin called her 5-year-old daughter Chanel a “boob freak” amid the continuing backlash over her continuing to breastfeed.

“He’s got one side, she’s got the other,” Austin told E!’s Daily Pop of her husband, rapper-turned-“Law & Order: SVU” star Ice-T, Tuesday. “She’s going to be a boob freak.”

“I just don’t believe society says they should stop at two,” Coco explained. “You as a mother should stop because they said so. I’m [not] going to stop because I feel like it’s a great bonding experience between her and I. 

“She’s my only child, it’s not like I have a big family of kids, and so I’m savoring every moment with this child.”

Austin added, “I always thought I wasn’t going to go on and on with this breastfeeding thing. I thought I would stop more like around one [year old]. Then I loved it too much, and I’m like, ‘I feel like I’m wanted, like she wants me.’ I think a lot of mothers would understand.”

Austin, 42, and Ice-T — né Tracy Morrow, 63 — have been defending Chanel’s diet and sleeping habits for nearly two years now. While this year’s bump happened earlier this month, the two first explained both Chanel’s continued breastfeeding situation in September 2019, when their daughter was four.

The 2019 fracas also included Coco’s defense of the couple’s practice of what they call “the family bed,” which also came up this week to E!

“We have all the dogs, Chanel, that’s our bonding time together. We incorporate our family bed every single night. We co-sleep and that’s another one people want to get on. It’s a weird situation because I don’t know why I have to explain myself.”

And despite Austin self-describing as “not really an arguer,” her husband, who’s known to fire back against critics on Twitter, has her back: “Ice, he believes in everything I believe,” she told E!