Celebrity News

Mouse spotted running around NYC hot spot Le Bilboquet

Table for ‘Mickey?’ Even the mice are back partying at Le Bilboquet!

Diners at the starry Upper East Side eatery — which The Post once crowned “the snobbiest restaurant in New York” — were surprised to see a mouse scurrying around the ceiling as the place’s signature techno music boomed.

In a video seen by Page Six, multiple diners captured footage of the mouse (if not the critter itself) as it scurried to the beat all along a ledge with dramatic lighting just below the ceiling.

But rather than jump up in shock, or run for cover, smiling guests at the restaurant — where diners are known to dance on banquettes — seemed to get a kick out out of the critter.

A spokesperson for the restaurant, Maribel Alvarez, told us when we reached out for comment: “For the first time in Bilboquet’s history we had a mouse briefly scurry through the premises. We believe it was due to doors kept open to increase ventilation in the midst of increased COVID protocols. Thankfully our patrons had a good laugh and took this uninvited guest’s unfortunate entrance as a moment of comic relief. Rest assured, the creature was removed promptly and we are rethinking leaving the doors open to prevent this from happening again. It’s not the sort of entertainment we will be repeating. But as Cindy Adams loves to say, only in New York kids, only in New York.”

A mouse (inset) was spotted running around Le Bilboquet.
A mouse (inset) was spotted running around Le Bilboquet. Getty

Bilboquet — where a Cobb salad will set you back $31, and steak au poivre goes for $55 — is known as a favorite for NYC power players from Bill and Hillary Clinton to Ivana Trump. Michael Cohen was spotted at the French bistro in May even while under house arrest.

The eatery’s owners include billionaire Ronald Perelman and famed French restaurateur Philippe Delgrange.

The hotspot’s Sag Harbor and Palm Beach outposts have been particularly packed during the coronavirus pandemic. The dining scene in the Hamptons has been so overheated, diners have reportedly been giving the staffers yacht rides and golf trips in addition to the usual tips.