Celebrity News

Jose Canseco predicted Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez’s split

Hey, Jose — want a job?

Jose Canseco seemingly predicted Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez’s March split on Twitter in January.

“Alex Rodriguez and Jennifer Lopez will go their separate ways this year and Alex Rodriguez will hook up with a fitness model,” Canseco wrote on Jan. 12.

Canseco was naturally pleased with himself after that wound up being true, writing in a string of tweets Friday night that …

  1. “Alex Rodriguez is the most predictable person on this planet”
  2. “Well J lo and a rod broke up well I wonder who told you so the truth hurts”
  3. “Next girl you see a rod with will be a 25 to 30 year old hot fitness model the truth hurts”
  4. “Hey Jennifer Lopez by the way I am single And I can be faithful”
  5. “Jennifer Lopez need a man that will be by your side 247 who is older than you are and [is] broke I fit that category perfectly I’m your man”
  6. “I guarantee you that Alex Rodriguez will be tried to get ahold of my ex wife Jessica very soon if he has not done it by now”
  7. “Jennifer Lopez I would fight for you but I have 2 torn shoulders and a bad knee from my last fight”

… and presumably more after this article was published.

The former MLB slugger — best known for his seven-year-stretch with the Oakland Athletics, has been a thorn in J-Rod’s side for years. In March 2019, he weighed in on Rodriguez’s engagement to Lopez, calling Rodriguez a “piece of s–t” for supposedly cheating on his then-new fiancée.

He continued, “Watching World of Dance watching J.Lo text Alex Rodriguez little does she know that he is cheating on her with my ex-wife Jessica poor girl she has no idea who he really is.” He also challenged Rodriguez to a boxing match and offered to take a polygraph to prove his assertions.

Jessica subsequently denied the allegations, and Lopez shot them down in a “Breakfast Club” interview the following month, saying, “We’re not gonna let other people come out and tell us what our relationship is. I know what our relationship is.”

Canseco continued his one-sided war against Rodriguez through April 2020, trolling him with a “Happy Easter” post — “Happy Easter to everyone except Alex Rodriguez”— and attempting to drag Lopez back in shortly thereafter.

“Jennifer Lopez I have something to show you for your eyes only you will not regret it please contact Morgan” he wrote, pinning a separate tweet with a phone number.

Of course, J-Rod’s relationship actually did end over a reputed Rodriguez dalliance, but it was with “Southern Charm” star Madison LeCroy. “There were already problems, but Jennifer was really embarrassed by it,” a source told Page Six.

Page Six is now duly excited for Canseco’s tweets about aliens and time travel to be proven correct by the grim march of time.