Royal Family

Prince Harry’s body language exposed ‘suppressed anger’ at Prince Charles: experts

Prince Harry did not name the royals he blames for the worst allegations in his Oprah Winfrey interview — but he showed clear “suppressed anger” at dad Prince Charles, according to body language experts.

“I think specifically what emerged was his anger about his father,” author and body language expert Judi James told Metro UK.

“He spoke with affection about the Queen, he spoke with love for his brother, William,” James insisted of the interview, which aired Sunday in the US and Monday in the UK.

“But when his father was mentioned, the dramatic pause lasting several seconds before he spoke kind of said everything, really.

“And that’s when he started to do the fast blinking. He sighed, he did a leg judder, he did a tongue poke,” James said,

“So that’s where probably the key focus of resentment seems to lie,” she argued.

Many viewers latched on to the moment Harry appeared to show resentment at the moment his father “stopped taking my calls.”

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Prince Charles, Prince of Wales and Diana, Princess of Wales pose with their sons Prince William and Prince Harry in the wild flower meadow at Highgrove
Prince Charles, Prince of Wales and Diana, Princess of Wales pose with their sons Prince William and Prince Harry in the wild flower meadow at Highgrove.Getty Images
Prince Charles With Prince Harry Age One At Home In Kensington Palace.
Prince Charles with a 1-year-old Prince Harry at home in Kensington Palace.Tim Graham Photo Library via Get
Princess Diana, Prince Harry, Prince William, Prince Charles at Prince William in 1995.
Princess Diana, Prince Harry, Prince William, and Prince Charles pictured in 1995.WireImage

The prince also admitted there was “a lot of hurt” between father and son and that he still had work to “heal” their relationship.

“I feel really let down. Because he’s been through something similar. He knows what pain feels like, and Archie’s his grandson,” Harry told Oprah of Charles, the UK’s heir to the throne.

James said Harry made “no real effort to mask” his feelings, which she told the Sun were of clear “suppressed anger.”

The prince also “didn’t come on as a sort of pet” and his body language expressed that “he absolutely wanted to tell his story and nobody was forcing him to do it,” James said.

Meghan Markle, meanwhile, came across as “regal and elegant” and appeared genuine, James told Metro UK.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle during their Oprah interview
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle clasp hands during their tell-all interview with Oprah. CBS

“She didn’t overact the emotions,” the body language expert said.

“I know she’s an actress, but we saw the tears coming out of her eyes,” she said, adding that her voice cracked, “which is a pretty difficult call for an actress to simulate.”

She also said the couple seemed genuine in their close bond.

“They meshed their fingers together, so it was about as tight a handhold as you can get, and you could see them, one would be rubbing their thumb onto the other one’s hands, even within that hand clasp,” she said.