Celebrity News

‘Downton Abbey’ star Hugh Bonneville volunteers at COVID-19 vaccine site

Always the gentleman.

“Downton Abbey” star Hugh Bonneville volunteered to work at a COVID-19 vaccination site in the UK. Bonneville, 57, suited up in a neon green vest complete with a “Hugh” name tag as he marshaled people in and out of Midhurst’s Riverbank Medical Centre.

“For some people it’s the first time they’ve been out of the house in a year,” said Bonneville, who received his vaccine in January. “We’ve had people who’ve been really grateful for the outing as much as anything and the sense of the glimmer of hope, so it’s great to be part of this team effort.”

The British actor said tensions started to recede as people arrived to get their shots.

“It’s not relief because it’s not over, but the sense of hope,” he said. “To be proud of that is really lovely.”

"Downton Abbey" star Hugh Bonneville volunteered at a UK vaccination site.
“Downton Abbey” star Hugh Bonneville volunteered at a UK vaccination site. Instagram; Getty Images

Bonneville also expressed his excitement over volunteering on Instagram, where he posted pictures of his fellow volunteers.

“Delighted to be part of the support team as a volunteer marshall,” he captioned the photos. “I get to wear hi viz and everything.”