Celebrity News

Harvey Weinstein monitored by prison cameras to avoid Jeffrey Epstein repeat

Fallen movie mogul Harvey Weinstein is being monitored by cameras around the clock behind bars to avoid a repeat of the Jeffrey Epstein scenario, according to a new report.

Fearful that Weinstein might harm himself, prison officials don’t want him out of sight for even a second, law enforcement sources told TMZ.

In addition to regular surveillance cameras, guards who constantly trail the disgraced film titan are also equipped with eye-level cameras — just in case.

Weinstein is doing time at Wende Correctional Facility in upstate New York for a slew of sex crimes.

Epstein was found dead in a cell at the Metropolitan Correctional Facility in Manhattan in August 2019.

Officials pinned his passing on suicide by hanging, but skepticism about the circumstances of his death has since run wild.

Sources told TMZ that prison officials want to keep Weinstein on tape at all times to avoid any similar controversies, should he ever meet a similar end.

Weinstein is in failing health and there were concerns that he contracted COVID-19 last week before he tested negative. He had the virus in March, according to prison officials.

He is serving a 23-year sentence for raping an aspiring actress and sexually abusing a TV and film production assistant.