Celebrity News

Jailed porn star Ron Jeremy hit with new sex crimes charges

Skin flick titan Ron Jeremy was hit with new sex crimes charges stemming from the allegations of six women, the Los Angeles District Attorney’s Office announced this week.

The jailed porn star pleaded not guilty Wednesday in Los Angeles County Superior Court to three counts of forcible rape, two counts of forcible oral copulation and one count each of sexual battery by restraint and assault with intent to commit forcible digital penetration, according to LA prosecutors.

Jeremy, 67, was initially busted in June for alleged sex attacks on four women, prompting dozens of new accusers to reach out to authorities. He was charged again in August with 20 new sex crimes.

The latest allegations against the adult film star, whose real name is Ronald Jeremy Hyatt, stretch back to 1996 and involve victims ranging in age from 17 to 38, officials said.

A woman told authorities she was 38 when Jeremy allegedly sexually assaulted her at a West Hollywood bar in 2013.

Another accuser said the pudgy porn star raped her when she was 17 at a Woodland Hills home in 2008.

In 1996, an accuser says Jeremy forced himself on her when she was 19 during a photo shoot in the San Fernando Valley.

With the latest charges, the prolific adult film star now faces 34 counts based on the allegations of 23 accusers spanning nearly a quarter-century.

His youngest victim says she was 15 when he allegedly sexually assaulted her at a party in 2004 in Santa Clarita.

Jeremy, who stands just 5 feet 6 inches tall, is being held in lieu of a $6.6-million bond.

Los Angeles DA Jackie Lacey said in a statement that her office declined to prosecute 14 additional cases because they were outside the statute of limitations.

If convicted, the “Ally McFeal” star faces up to 250 years in prison.

He has performed in more than 2,000 adult films.