Cindy Adams

Cindy Adams


Montclair Film Festival boasts Aaron Sorkin, Sienna Miller chats

Movies in theaters we don’t have. Movie theater festivals we have. Comes now Friday through Oct. 25 in the glorious international paradise of Montclair, NJ. Opening night’s “Nomadland,” which explores humanity and stars Frances McDormand, closing night is Regina King’s directorial debut “One Night in Miami,” centerpiece is “Ammonite” with Kate Winslet and Saoirse Ronan, which also attracted a large VIP list for the Hamptons film festival, plus there’s the extrasensory documentary “In & of Itself” and the drama “Minari.”

Also a conversation with Aaron Sorkin moderated by Stephen Colbert, another conversation with Sienna Miller, who’s conversing with Andy Samberg, and there’s some breakthrough chat with some breakthrough actor whose name has yet to break through to me. Forget Toronto, shove Cannes, upstage Tribeca, fie on Venice — we are talking downtown Montclair. Population: 37,000 to 38,000. Colbert lives there. His onetime actress missus, Evelyn, is producing it. We’re talking drive-in screenings and virtual popcorn.

More movies. When “The Exorcist” slithered out in the ’70s, people threw up in the theaters. Comes a doc about making it. It’s called “Leap of Faith: William Friedkin on ‘The Exorcist.’ ” The thing’s going to streaming — not in actual theaters — so people will have to whoops! in their own homes.

Enjoy the Hamps winter

Hamptons yentas, threatening to stay way the hell out there, want to give up city apartments. Think it’s safer there. Give up New York City? Lotsa luck. They deserve it. An itchy husband will love schlepping home every night three hours on the LIE in snow and sleet to some unfrozen TV dinner since your nearest cozy restaurant will be in Bavaria — and your nearest housekeeper isn’t. Also, stocked supermarkets and shelves with bagels you’ll find come January when it’s cold, lonely, barren and desolate there? Another also, who will care about you in the frozen frost? And what’s to buy — other than hot water bottles?

Follow the leaders

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson’s the US man with the most Instagram followers (more than 200 mil). Cristiano Ronaldo has over 240 million, the most in the world. Ariana Grande is the highest-ranked female, who will probably get to 204 million by the time this column is printed. I figured you’d want to know.

Get ready to wait

Some voters feel not wearing a mask makes a political statement. Others feel it’s harmful to health or against their beliefs. Nassau county’s solution: We’ll offer a mask. If refused, any maskless must wait until all voters exit the polling place before being let in. If weary of waiting, tough. Great. Before they get to mark a ballot, Harry and Meghan’s kid, Archie, will be running for alderman.

History lesson

Race riots? First and most destructive was 1863. New York City’s fight against the Civil War draft. Our textile industry sympathized with the cotton-growing South. Draft laws excluded those who could pay $300 or provide a substitute, and the rich paid others to serve for them.

Angry whites targeted blacks. Churches, buildings burnt down. Horses pulling streetcars were killed, telegraph wires cut, stones smashed the wealthy’s windows, longshoremen competing for low-wage jobs threw black workers out. At least 119 killed, 2,000 wounded. The NYPD was outnumbered. The military arrived and beat back rioters with heavy artillery.

Idea: Forget a two-person debate. Biden’s not together. He reads prepped words, repeats earpiece answers. No ideas; he just knocks Donald. So let Donald just give his own two minutes then stand aside and parrot whatever he knows Joe would kvetch out. Back and forth. So who needs slow-mo Joe in person? Let Donald do both sides, and for this hoot everyone would tune in. It wouldn’t be viewed only in New York, kids, not only in New York.