Celebrity News

Rose McGowan rips Kamala Harris over past Harvey Weinstein donations

Rose McGowan has attacked Kamala Harris for once accepting a donation from disgraced Hollywood tycoon Harvey Weinstein.

The “Charmed” actress tweeted about the California senator last week after she was tapped as presumptive Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden’s running mate.

“Did you return the money Weinstein gave you? @SenKamalaHarris How many predators bankroll you?” McGowan tweeted last Wednesday.

The post also included a retweet of records showing that Harris took donations from Ivanka Trump and President Trump during her 2014 re-election campaign for California attorney general.

After sexual misconduct allegations against Weinstein broke in 2017, a slew of Democrats, including Harris, announced they’d be giving the disgraced producer’s donations to various charities.

Weinstein donated $5,000 to Harris — $2,500 in 2014 when she was running for attorney general and another $2,500 during her run for Senate in 2017, according to the Baltimore Sun.

Harris said she would give the $5,000 to Equal Rights Advocates, a women’s rights organization based in California, USA Today reported.

Someone replied to McGowan’s tweet with that information, with the prominent Weinstein accuser replying, “Good. Still creepy. Everyone knew.”

A rep for the Biden-Harris campaign didn’t immediately return a message.