Cindy Adams

Cindy Adams

Celebrity News

Timothy Cardinal Dolan to give opening prayer at Trump convention

His Eminence Timothy Cardinal Dolan, the greatly loved Archbishop of the state of New York — which we have heard from the newly opened GOP hushed mouths is now in play”— has accepted an invite to give the opening prayer at the Trump convention. Until Day 1 of their current hoo-hah the Democrats were still trying to dredge up a retired priest.

Royal treatment

In days of yore — before we had a VP candidate and voters whispering: “Biden needs a food taster” — Britannia still had a nit-twit named His Royal Highness Harry.

Netflix then plotted a multimillion dollar deal around this ex-HRH with his bride, Sparkle Plenty, and said, “Everyone’s interested in them.”

His now Nobodyness reportedly announced he disliked the idea of Netflix portraying him in “The Crown.” So, being his missus is already big with lawyers, he vowed to stop their newest idea for the show before its chronology reached into his life.

Enter the Broadway musical “Diana,” chronicling the life and death of his mum. Predicted was it could have won the Tony. Unfortunately, Broadway’s shut at least until Yeezy gets his presidential statue on the White House lawn or Kim decides what sneakers to put on it.

“Diana,” starring Jeanna de Waal, was to open March, but the coronavirus opened earlier. Now it’s known that Netflix is filming what was to be the Broadway stage musical and which was then already in previews, and that’s what they’ll put on the air.

Back aways Harry asked if this musical portrayed him. I mean, as though the late princess only maybe had one son? Those involved answered only, “Harry and William figure in it, but we can’t say more than that.” Me, I can because long back I saw the storyboard, the scenes, the setup, Diana’s 38 costume changes, and the Harry character.

As they say, the show must go on. And will on TV. And will eventually on Broadway. And will include characterization of Mr. Meghan Sparkle, even though hell may hath no fury like a Harry scorned.

And although you won’t see Harry in “The Crown,” the final seasons will star Elizabeth Debicki as Lady Di, and Jonathan Pryce, who got an Oscar nom for “The Two Popes,” as Prince Philip. From papacy to royalty, blessings to medals, it’s either up a step or sideways. This guy already knows from ermine capes, gold thrones and sabers up the hilt. Why? Because he learned acting at the Royal Academy.

Nod to a sexy sheikh

This week 94 years ago, ’20s sex symbol Rudolph Valentino, 31 — died in New York promoting his “The Son of the Sheik.” One nutsy female shot herself in front of Campbell’s funeral parlor, where the Latin Lover was laid out. His p.r. man Oscar Doob, reinventing last words, quoted Rudy as saying: “Let the tent be struck.” A fitting last line for an actor playing a sheikh, right? Unfortunately, boob Doob learned suddenly those were Robert E. Lee’s last words. So the p.r. guy for actress Pola Negri, Rudy’s fiancée, dredged up another closing line quoting him saying: “Pola, I love you, and will love you in eternity.” Negri’s next film made a fortune.

Biden his time

The Basement Blues, croaked as the Dem candidate’s led from the cellar: Over hill/Over dale

You will hit the losing trail

As the Trumpers go rolling along . . .

In and out, hear them shout, counter march and right about

As those red states go rolling along.

Only in America, kids, only in America.