Celebrity News

Foodgod Jonathan Cheban blames ‘idiot’ de Blasio for armed robbery

Foodgod left New York City and doesn’t know if he’ll ever return after he and his mother were held up in an armed robbery.

“I can’t be there. It’s very traumatic to be there,” Foodgod, formerly known as Jonathan Cheban, told Page Six over the phone on Monday from Los Angeles.

“I want to sell my apartment in New York for sure because I can’t imagine living there again,” the 46-year-old, who was robbed in New Jersey, continued. “It’s not New York.”

Foodgod blamed Mayor Bill de Blasio and his lack of action.

“Daytime, nighttime, afternoon, Midtown, Uptown, Downtown, the mayor has destroyed the city,” he said. “It’s depressing. It’s scary. I was on edge before, but now I’m even more on edge, obviously.

“I’m just confused as to how they’re allowing this to happen,” he said. “I just cannot believe [New Yorkers] would vote for this idiot two times.”

Now resting in “sad” LA, Foodgod said he remained in shock for a while after the armed robber stole his $250,000 watch.

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“I wasn’t good for the first two weeks, honestly, but now my brain kind of adjusted to it, but it was beyond traumatic,” he told us. “It was horrifying and definitely a life-changing experience.”

Like his best friend Kim Kardashian after her robbery, Foodgod has stopped wearing his flashy jewelry following the attack.

“In this environment, you can’t enjoy what you work for,” he explained. “I started from nothing. … You can’t imagine that in one blink of an eye, your life can change, it could’ve been a lot worse, so [I’m] grateful that my mom and I are alive, and I guess that they needed my watch more than I did, so I’m happy they let us live.”

Now that the dust has started to settle on the terrifying ordeal, the podcast host is already back to work. Foodgod is expanding his brand and launching his first line of products, Foodgod Truffle Ketchup.

“You’re bringing the restaurant to you,” he said of his condiment. “It never kind of meant more because everywhere is being affected [by the pandemic].”

Without skipping a beat, the ever-over-the-top Foodgod added, “My first product should be like my Oscar.”