Celebrity News

Zonnique Pullins, daughter of Tameka ‘Tiny’ Cottle, is pregnant

Zonnique Pullins is going to be a mom.

The daughter of Tameka “Tiny” Cottle and stepdaughter of T.I. is pregnant and expecting her first child with rapper boyfriend Bandhunta Izzy, aka Israel James.

“Literally every year, probably for the past three years, this same rumor [that I was pregnant] had come out,” Pullins, 24, recently told People, adding, “This time I actually am pregnant. It’s weird!”

Pullins is five months along and says that so far her pregnancy has been “easy.”

“With it being my first time being pregnant, I had so many expectations and was thinking, ‘Oh, it’s going to be really hard,’ ” she said. “I never really had morning sickness.”

But the “#FTCU” singer admitted that COVID-19 has brought some unexpected complications along the way.

“It really sucks being pregnant during the coronavirus,” she told the mag. “At first, I’m like, ‘This is the perfect time, like everybody is locked in. I don’t have to worry about going out. So if I want to hide it for however long, I can hide.’ ”

She continued, “But when it comes to going to doctor’s appointments, I go to all of them by myself. I ask every single time, ‘Can I bring my boyfriend?’ And they’re like, ‘No, only you can come.'”

The artist is hopeful, however, that her boyfriend can be in the delivery room with her when their baby is due.

“I’m hoping by the time I’m ready to have the baby it will be over with. But I’m sure it won’t be, so I’ll be in there with one person, most likely. I’m just trying not to get my hopes too high anymore.”

Pullins admitted that she wasn’t all too thrilled when she first found out she was pregnant.

“I have a million brothers and sisters so I’ve always been the one like, ‘I’m not having a baby anytime soon,'” she said. “That was always my thing. So I was kind of sad at first, and my boyfriend was really excited from the jump.”

But “after a while, I’m like, ‘Now I feel like I can do this. It’s something that will mature me and change me in a great way.’ I’m trying to wrap my head around it, and now we are here.”

Pullins and Bandhunta, 23, have been dating for two years. They met through Instagram.

“He slid in my DMs, and we hit it off,” she said.

Bandhunta already has two kids, she told People.

Pullins will reveal the gender of her baby on her new talk show “The Mix” which premieres Tuesday at 7 p.m. on Fox Soul.