Celebrity News

Mira Sorvino thought her career was over after speaking out against Weinstein

Mira Sorvino thought her career was over for speaking out against Harvey Weinstein.

“I actually thought it would end my career for good and I’d never work again. There haven’t really been whistle-blowers before that who continued to work. If you look at people who brought these accusations forward, they were not believed and they were shunned,�� the Oscar winner told Vulture.

Instead, Sorvino, 52, has experienced something of a career rebirth.

“The [interview] gave people a new view of me and my potential. They saw a reason for why my career had faltered, which wasn’t necessarily caused by me.”

She continued, “In a strange way, I’ve seen the kindness of people in power who thought, ‘Wait, maybe we should give Mira another shot at things. Because we now understand. And that’s been very gratifying.'”

The “Mighty Aphrodite” actress spoke to the New Yorker and claimed that the disgraced producer pressured her to have a sexual relationship with him at the Toronto Film Festival in 1995.

“He started massaging my shoulders, which made me very uncomfortable, and then tried to get more physical, sort of chasing me around,” she recalled.

Sorvino also said she felt blacklisted by Weinstein’s company Miramax.

Discussing working on the Miramax-produced “The Lord the Rings” film series, director Peter Jackson alleged that he was dissuaded from hiring Sorvino and Ashley Judd, who also allegedly rebuffed Weinstein’s advances.

Sorvino can be seen in Ryan Murphy’s splashy “Hollywood” series on Netflix.